SPRO-> Plant Maintenance and Customer Service -> Maintenance and Service Processing -> Maintenance and Service Notifications -> Notification Processing -> Set Workflow for Maintenance Notifications. SelectAssign Agents Select the task and click on Attributes to set the task as a general task which c...
InSAP Business Technology Platform(SAP BTP), a new AI capability in SAP Integration Suite lets developers automatically generate integration flows by simply describing the scenario, meaning designing time is three times faster*. SAP Build Code provides generative AI to help developers build applications...
APIM主要在API Business Hub Enterprise为消费者提供API的能力,点击集成套件右上角即可进入 实际使用中,首先需要消费者在IDP内注册身份,如果你使用的是阿里云的BTP环境,请通过Link完成用户注册 然后由APIM管理员在devPortal为该消费者创建身份,勾选权限,APIM会给该消费者发送邮件 该消费者自己打开邮箱,点击链接,登录I...
389. 如何在 SAP BTP 上 手动执行 workflow 390. SAP BTP 上 workflow 和 Business Service 的 project 管理 391. 如何将SAP API Hub 上提供的工作流导入到 SAP BTP 上 392. SAP 业务技术平台(BTP) Workflow(工作流)功能介绍 393. 如何在 SAP BTP 上创建以及消费 Business Rule Service 394. SAP API Bus...
289. SAP BTP Launchpad Service 打不开应用的权限问题 290. 使用 SAP Business Application Studio 开发 Vue 应用 291. SAP Commerce Cloud 架构概述 292. SAP Commerce Cloud Storefront 框架选型:Accelerator 还是 Spartacus? 293. 选择 SAP Spartacus 作为 SAP Commerce Cloud Storefront 实现框架的五个理由 294...
右键CDS VIEW,选择create service definition 右键service defination选择new service binding,输入名称,选择binding type 先激活然后点击publish Publish之后就可以选择enityset 点击 preview预览一下odata的数据 出现数据即代表odata服务发布成功 创建BTP TRIAL到SAP HANA CLOUD的连接 ...
SAP BTP Integrate Microsoft business applications Integrate Microsoft Defender for IoT Integrate Microsoft Defender XDR Integrate Microsoft Defender for Cloud Collect data Integrate threat intelligence Detect threats and analyze data Hunt for threats Investigate incidents Automate responses SOC optimizations Manage...
Gain a competitive advantage with clean core-compliant enhancements in SAP Build tools and SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP) with the SAP BTP Guidance Framework Explore the value of a clean core strategy 80 % less software customization* 70 % of core business processes are automated...
Gain a competitive advantage with clean core-compliant enhancements in SAP Build tools and SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP) with the SAP BTP Guidance Framework Explore the value of a clean core strategy 80 % less software customization* 70 % of core business processes are automated...
addSingleStepandaddNestedFlow. Use these two methods to add steps into the flow. The steps can be either a single simple step, or steps nested in another flow. Using a nested flow allows you to categorize steps to make it easier to extend your flow, or add commo...