CLEAR <fs_bsegsub>-prctr. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. DELETE t_bsegsub WHERE prctr = '7777777777'. ENDIF. ENDFUNCTION. 并且 已经在T_BSEGSUB对应的结构BSEG_SUBST append了prctr字段。在上面的代码中 将利润中心777777777修改为999999999 可以生效 。 但在现在的 delete之后 ,在生成的财务凭证中仍含有 7777777777 利润...
业务加载项 FAGL_MIGR_SUBST 包含以下功能:● 传输可用于实施派生的以下信息:○ 未清项所在的完整凭证 (IT_BSEG)○ 当前正在处理的未清项 (IS_ACCIT)○ 凭证抬头 (IS_ACCHD)● 可更改包含在结构 CS_MIG_ASGMT 中的科目分配。● 除利润中心特性外,只能针对初始字段执行科目分配。不能更改已填充的字段;只能...
BSEG_SUBST (After saving and simulation mode for FI document item, we will use BTE 1120) INVFO (Screen fields structure) ACMM_VENDOR_COMP (Necessary) RBKP_V (Necessary for MIR7) VBKPF (Optional for FV60-FV65) The Tables : BKPF RBKP (Necessary for Header, we keep new field ...
move '01' to BSEG-HKONT+4(2). "The requirement is to replace the 5th and 6th char with 01 ENDFORM. Later i regenerated the code of RGUGBR00 and i could see in GBTC2FIB the following code IF COND = B_TRUE . PERFORM U9012(ZGGBS000) IF FOUND . G_SUBST_PERFORMED = B_TRUE. EN...
IF COND = B_TRUE . BSEG-SGTXT = 'This is a Test'. " Text G_SUBST_PERFORMED = B_TRUE. ENDIF. ENDFORM. " SUB_SUB01 As mentioned above for validations, 'G_STEP = '001' indicates the step, and the prerequisite of the substitution is defined in Form Routine SUBCON_... The actual...
Guru I need to subsitute posting key at document line item . By using BTE 1120 i tried ? But BSEG_SUBST table doesnt have Postking key field. Can i give my code for
2) Tried Max's proposal - and extended structure BSEG_SUBST with field VBUND, further populated the substitution table in the related BTE 1430 accordingly. Unfortunately the flow-logic proceeded further to the same form 'import_*beleg' in the program SAPFF011 and my changes dissapeared. I'm...
0015 S BSEG * X 所以,完全凭证替代,你会得到如此信息-"此事件可以不替换任何字段"。 解决步骤如下: 1. 确认你已经阅读并了解Note 42615-Substitution in FI和391309 - GB01Boolean class 015: FI subst. for call-up point 3。 2. 尝试你需要替代的字段是否可以在调用点1 抬头或2 行项目实现。
Earlier I have implemented BTE 00001120 for changing SGTXT field in BSEG, it worked perfectly . But as there are no KUNNR & LIFNR fields present in BSEG_SUBST structure , i am unable to use the same BTE . So is there any other way to achieve this functionality ? My requirement is ...
This activity is to populate attributes or attribute changes to customers and vendors master data in one shot. With the Data Setup function, you can rebuild the Planning Level and Planning Group fields in database table BSEG. When you change the assignment of planning levels to G/L accounts,...