BSEG 会计凭证表-行项目 BUKRS 公司代码 BELNR 凭证编号 GJAHR 会计年度 BUZEI 行项目 BUZID 行项目标志 AUGDT 清帐日期 AUGCP 清算分录日期 AUGBL 清帐凭证 BSCHL 记帐代码 KOART 科目类型 UMSKZ 特别总帐标志 UMSKS 特定总帐事务类型 ZUMSK 目标特别总帐标志 SHKZG 借/贷标识 GSBER 业务范围 PARGB 伙伴业...
Down payment gets assigned to the FI down payment request 1400000005: Sales document (BSEG-VBEL2)&Sales document item (BSEG-POSN2)get filled in the customer line in down payment posting done byF-29(accounting document 1400000006): The accounting line to customer account has special G/L indicato...
goto to table BSEG using key fields from BSIS. BSEG contains the invoice number and sales order number and sales order line item in fields VBEL2 and POSN2. Read into VBRP using BSEG-VBELN (invoice number) for all VBRP records with VBRP-AUBEL = BSEG-VBEL2 and VBRP-AUPOS = BSEG-POS...
科标:隹L标道2tr t 3r肓11购妬典如妬VERTUVERTTTEEffADAZ71J01RG話EETOUJfDE0ggg班19却溥 ZIDVRGS3EEVBUKDI富:dU 呵 R吒3ERVBUID099匹ZLOIEtDS3EE¥B呱D1413馭J站貯口腮90如妬VBE12PDSN;EEELIEBELP"TZzUZy JISDTZZLIzyUiyUl hUElNtBELP针对99(在途商品科目),自动清帐的时候,如果销售订单号(VBEL2...
P & L Statement Account Type (GVTYP) From Accounting Document Segment (BSEG) Into I_BSEG Where BSEG-BUKRS = I_VBAK-BUKRS BSEG-VBELN = I_VBAK-VBEL2 BSEG-POSN2 = I_VBAP-POSNR BSEG-BELNR = I_BKPF-BELNR P & L Statement Account Type (GVTYP) = ‘X’Reply...
VBRP-AUBEL = BSEG-VBEL2 and VBRP-AUPOS = BSEG-POSN2 Regards, Ferry Lianto Reply Former Member 2007 Jan 31 2:42 PM 0 Kudos 2,873 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Either : VBPR -VBELN = BKPF-XBLNR BKPF-BELNR = BSEG-BELNR Or VBRP-VBELN = BSEG-VBELN ( but less cle...
BSEG MEINS BSEG MENGE BSEG PAOBJNR BSEG POSN2 BSEG PPRCT BSEG VBEL2 BSEG WERKS BSEG PRCTR (for restrictions see below) BSEG FKBER (Note 413418) General remarks: Items with identical account assignments but different debit/credit codes (BSEG-SHKZG) will NOT be put together as a single item...
BPMNG BSEG??? BPRME BSEG??? BWTAR BSEG??? ERFME BSEG??? ERFMG BSEG??? MATNR BSEG??? MEINS BSEG??? MENGE BSEG??? PAOBJNR BSEG??? POSN2 BSEG??? PPRCT BSEG??? VBEL2 BSEG??? WERKS BSEG??? PRCTR (for restrictions see below) BSEG??? FKBER (Note 413418) ? General remarks...
So T001K-BUKRS(PL10) is not equal to VBRK-BUKRS(PL20), then the sales order number has been reset during the standard Billing generation process which leads to a blank value at VBRP-VBELV. Finally, it leads to empty sales order numbers at the accounting document(BSEG-VBEL2) or Revenue...
vbel2 ,posn2 ,anln1 ,bzdat ,xkres ,xpanz ,xzahl ,saknr ,hkont ,kunnr ,lifnr ,zfbdt ,zterm ,matnr ,werks ,menge ,meins ,ebeln ,bwkey ,bwtar ,rstgr ,prctr ,kstrg ,projk ,lokkt ,xref1 ,xref2 ,fkber ,xnegp ,kkber ,xref3 ,zzcfi,anln2 ,anbwa ,load_dt )values( :gbtab...