Generally, when you do changes to BP field settings as per the above note things will work fine. But, for some cases the results will not be positive! Example, you have made a field as mandatory in customization but when you check in the BP transaction still the field is...
Similarlydefine number assignment for direction BP to Vendor. SPRO>Cross-Application Components>Master data Synchronization>Customer/Vendor Integration>Business Partner Settings>Setting for Vendor Integration>Field Assignment for Vendor Integration>Assign Keys. Savethe configuration. Business Partner [as an Exa...
Configuring the SAP XI Adapter You must specify field settings inSterling B2B Integrator, using the Admin Console, and in the GPM. Creating or Setting Up an SAP XI Adapter Configuration in the Admin Console Use the field definitions in the following table to create a new configuration of the ...
3391014 Organisational data assignment to Products in SAP Field Service Management this note cannot be implemented COMPONENT FOR INCIDENTS: You can open OSS messages using component: for SWPM - BC-INS-SWPM for SUM - BC-UPG-TLS-TLA OTHER REFERENCES: Ins...
-> field assig. for cust. int. - > assign key ->Define Number Assignment for Direction Customer to BP assign customer and BP group here ( if you want same no. BP as customer then tick on same no.) Above settings for auto BP, If you give your error then we can understand your ...
BP Field name CNAME or ENAME BUT000- or NAME1_TEXT Concatenation of VORNA MIDNM NACHN Subtype 0010 ADR6- SMTP_ADDR Permanent Ad- dress (subtype 1) is synchronized BUT020 - ADDR_VALID_FRO M BUT020 - ADDR_VALID_TO ADRC - COUNTRY ADRC - REGION ADRC -CITY1 ADRC -CITY2 ADRC – ...
BPBK-算凭证的抬头表: BPBK 算凭证的抬头表 BPEG-预算凭证的行项目表: BPEG 预算凭证的行项目表 ANKA-资产类型一般数据: ANKA 资产类型一般数据 ANKP-Fld Cont Dpndnt on Chart ANLKL / AFAPL of Deprecia: ANKP Fld Cont Dpndnt on Chart ANLKL / AFAPL of Deprecia ...
SAP 入站交付 (SAPinbDelivery.bp) “SAP 入站 IDoc”和“SAP 出站 IDoc”业务流程都使用“SAP 入站交付”业务流程来发送文档。也就是: “SAP 入站 IDoc”业务流程对 IDoc 执行最终转换(如将路由信息添加到 IDoc 控制记录)之后,“SAP 入站交付”业务流程使用 FTP 将 IDoc 发送到 SAP R/3。 “SAP ...
Then only the new extended field shall be used in all internal coding, too. System Settings to Activate the Extended Material Number Functionality The default setting, both after the move to SAP S/4HANA and for new installations, is that the extended material number functionality is NOT ...
在SAP项目中有时会遇到这样的需求,SAP标准的操作界面里,要求某些字段输入内容要左对齐或者右对齐。虽然需求有点不常见,但偶尔还是会碰到。 今天就来看一下标准程序里左对齐或者右对齐应该怎么修改。 1:拿FB01创建凭证举例,在FB01里面有一个字段描述为Document Header Text,实际是BKPF-BKTXT,在SAP里默认情况下是左对...