BAPI:BAPI_ACC_ASS_TRANSFER_POST posting duplicate line items in the documen Former Member 2010 Feb 03 10:45 PM 0 Kudos 1,052 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi all, I'm using this BAPI for transferring asset values from one asset to other. Everything working fine, but ...
I have applied the BAPI_ACC_ASS_TRANSFER_POST function module instead of using a call transaction in ABT1N transaction as per SAP recommendation. It works perfectly for most of the cases. But there is a case that is not working for the following scenario: - First of all, make a postin...
BAPI_ACC_ASS_TRANSFER_CHECK Accounting: Post Asset TransferBAPI_ACC_ASS_TRANSFER_POST Accounting: Post Asset TransferBAPI_ACC_ASS_TRANS_ACQ_CHECK Accounting: Check Acquisition from TransferBAPI_ACC_ASS_TRANS_ACQ_POST Accounting: Post Acquisition from Transfer...
I have seen many bapis like BAPI_FIXEDASSET_CHANGE, BAPI_ACC_ASS_TRANSFER_POST, BAPI_FIXEDASSET_CREATE1 etc but couldnt find the exact functinality as tx ABUMN is doing. I want to transfer one asset value to different small assets (like if main asset is Computer, then its smaller assets ...
1.use BAPI_ACC_ASS_TRANSFER_POST 2.BAPI_ACC_ASS_TRANSFER_CHECK or BAPI_ACC_ASS_TRANSFER_POST then BAPI_ACC_ASS_INTRA_TRANS_CHECK for this refer:LAMDPU11(standard pg) Regards, Shiva Kumar Reply This site uses cookies and related technologies, as described in our privacy statement, for pu...
BAPI_GL_GETGLACCPERIODBALANCES General ledger Posting period balances for each G/L account BUS1028 GeneralLedger GetGLAccountPeriodBalances 40A 64 RW FI-GL BAPI_GL_GETGLACCCURRENTBALANCE General ledger Closing balance of G/L ac_countfor current year BUS1028 GeneralLedger Ge...
Error message FS214Hello SAP Experts,Even after implementing SAP document 2034781 while posting via BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST/CHECK to tax account withou ...How to Configure Vendor Multiple Bank Accounts in Vendor Master Data. AnsweredHello guru's, Could you please help me regarding how to ...
You can download the file as CSV (e.g. objectReleaseInfo_2302.csv) and find all released objects, but also objects that are not released and their successor: for example, you can also find FUNC BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST as NOT_TO_BE_RELEASED with successor BDEF I...
Post Asset Transfer BAPI_ACC_ASS_TRANSFER_POST Accounting: Post Asset Transfer BAPI_ACC_ASS_TRANS_ACQ_CHECK Accounting: Check Acquisition from Transfer BAPI_ACC_ASS_TRANS_ACQ_POST Accounting: Post Acquisition from Transfer BAPI_ACC_ASS_TRANS_RET_CHECK Accounting: Post Asset Transfer BAPI_ACC_AUC_...
1、1 / 125BAPI 的名单功能模块名称短文本功能模块BAPIs 楼人权法案的 OBJ BUS4003 (AddrContPart )BAPI_CHARACT_GETLIS 为特征的 BAPI - 查找名称0002 公司代码业务对象BAPI_CCODE_GET_FIRSTDAY_PER 公司代码为:第一期天BAPI_CCODE_GET_LASTDAY_FY 为公司代码: 财政年度的 最后一天BAPI_COMPA NY CODE_...