Cloud Studio代码运行 CALLFUNCTION'BAPI_0050_CREATE'EXPORTINGlanguage=sy-languheader_data=wa_header_dataheader_data_add=wa_header_data_addtestrun=p_testTABLESitem_data=it_item_datasender_item_data=it_sender_item_dataperiod_data=it_period_datasender_period_data=it_sender_period_datalong_text=ti_lo...
Is BAPI_0050_CREATE correct for an FMX1 Funds Reservation? If not, what's the right one? It's not BAPI_CREATE_RESERVATION1. Reply 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION Former Member 2009 Feb 11 2:44 PM 0 Kudos 326 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, this link may help you, [BAPI1|...
1、FMBBC/FMEDD---预算工作台-创建/显示凭证:下达预算,同时产生凭证,基金凭证 FMBB---预算工作台。 下达预算同时也可以批量创建凭证:BAPI_0050_CREATE.例: CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_0050_CREATE' EXPORTING HEADER_DATA = LS_FM_HD TESTRUN = PV_TEST(是否需要测试运行) IMPORTING FMAREA = LS_HD_INFO-FM...
1、FMBBC/FMEDD---预算工作台-创建/显示凭证:下达预算,同时产生凭证,基金凭证 FMBB---预算工作台。 下达预算同时也可以批量创建凭证:BAPI_0050_CREATE.例: CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_0050_CREATE' EXPORTING HEADER_DATA = LS_FM_HD TESTRUN = PV_TEST(是否需要测试运行) IMPORTING FMAREA = LS_HD_INFO-FM...
全BADI一览 List of BAPI's BAPI WG Component Function module name Description Description Obj. Type Object name Method name Release Message type 1 RW
BAPI_0050_CREATE - Budgeting Entry Document Funds Manageme FM: KBPW_DOCUMENT_SHOW_AND_PROC Reply Former Member In response to former_member156446 2009 Mar 24 1:53 PM 0 Kudos 339 SAP Managed Tags: Public Sector, ABAP Development Hi, Mine is 4.6c. I am not able to view BAP...
Die interne Tabelle XVBAP wird aus Eingabe angelegt 内部表XVBAP是根据输入创建的 C开头 Die interne Tabelle CVBAP wird aus der Datenbank-Tabelle 内部表CVBAP取自数据库表 V开头 Die interne Tabelle VVBAP wird aus der Referenztabelle 内部表VVBAP取自参考表 ...
Build and run the LegacyToDX0050 map. From the Map Diagram-Result window, hover over the LegToDXOB map and choose View Data to view the output file (leg_dxob.txt). RUNNING THE BAPI EXAMPLE ON THE DESIGN SERVER This directory contains sample files to be used for the integration with SA...
Name of the BAPI used for this migration object:HRPD_MCO_OBJECT_CREATE(Create Object with Migration Cockpit) Transfer Options, Transfer Steps, and Navigation to Configured SAP Fiori Apps In the following table, you can view the transfer options and transfer steps for the migration object. You ca...
I am creating Inspection plan using BAPI BAPI_INSPECTIONPLAN_CREATE I am able to create Inspection plan But Some of below feilds not updating in Inspection Characteristics UP_PLS_LMT (Upper Plausibility Limit) LW_PLS_LMT (Lower Plausibility Limit) I had Passed field DEC_PLACES field also in ...