0 Kudos 2,667 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, I'm using BAPI_PO_CREATE1 within a loop to create a PO with multiple items - grouped by vendor, plant and delivery date. After each BAPI call I use BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT with WAIT = 'X', further I track the results from ...
DATA: poheader LIKE TABLE OF bapimepoheader WITH HEADER LINE , poheaderx LIKE TABLE OF bapimepoheaderx WITH HEADER LINE, return LIKE TABLE OF bapiret2 WITH HEADER LINE, poitem LIKE TABLE OF bapimepoitem WITH HEADER LINE, poitemx LIKE TABLE OF bapimepoitemx WITH HEADER LINE, poschedule ...
0 Kudos 1,790 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Experts, i'm having issue with BAPI_PO_CREATE1. my requirement is to upload PO with combination of po service and po limit. It always produce this error message "No account assignment exists for service line 0000000000". i've ...
0 Kudos 6,219 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development All, I use BAPI_PO_CREATE1 to load POs from a file. The POS are created with standard 10, 20 and 30.. item numbers (EBELP) and not with the ones which are provided in the file 130, 170 and 200. Can anyone tell me why ...
BAPI_PO_CREATE1 创建项目采购订单的时候提示WBS元素丢失 辣鸡SAP 这两天忙这个BAPI 了 实际WBS_ELEMENT 已经填写 并且ACCOUNTX里面也打了X 经过DEBUG发现 再 MOVE_IN的某个位置有转换WBS的外码TO 内码 如果直接给内码 就不会转换 再BAPI里面就是没有WBS 然后就失败了 把内码WBS改成外码就解决了...
You have various problems when create the service/limit POs with BAPI_PO_CREATE1. This KBA provide you with the sample test records for the PO listed below: PO with one service line + single account assignment. PO with one service line + multiple account assignment. PO with limit data + ...
Dear All, I am using BAPI_PO_CREATE1 for ME21N . The problem is, after execution of the program the error msg it shows- The values are coming from excel file. Please
1, PARK_UNCOMPLETE参数 BAPI BAPI_PO_CREATE1中有个参数PARK_UNCOMPLETE,看帮助文档,当等于‘X'时,PO创建发生错误时会生成暂存订单。 点击右边绿色按钮可以看到参数文档,里面描述了PARK_UNCOMPLETE和MEMORY_UNCOMPLETE配合使用的逻辑 但是很遗憾,此时BAPI还是不能创建的暂存的PO。。。
0 Kudos 308 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi everyone, I am using the fm BAPI_PO_CREATE1 to create my PO's. The problem is, I keep getting the following error messages: Purchase order item 00100 still contains faulty schedule lines Delivery date is in the past Can delivery ...