标准事务代码MR22 通过调整金额影响物料的成本价,前台界面中单个凭证中允许输入多行物料, 但是对应的BAPI函数仅支持输入单行物料 BAPI_MATVAL_DEBIT_CREDIT 正常库存 BAPI_SALESORDSTCK_DEBIT_CREDIT 销售订单库存 这种情况 婶可忍叔不可忍 (感谢用户的执着)(不排除SAP有允许输入多行的价格变更BAPI,但没有找到) 本文...
调用FORM matval_debit_credit生成凭证 FORM matval_debit_credit中 调用本地类方法产生凭证 类方法lcl_matval_debit_credit中 处理了下述逻辑 五 BAPI分析的结论 最终传递给方法 execute_price_change 的参数中. 传递的物料信息通过内表LT_MATPR传递. 该内表允许多行物料. 比较困惑为何SAP在底层类方法中允许多行物...
Debit/Credit Materials (BAPI_MATVAL_DEBIT_CREDIT) Debit/Credit Material in Sales Order Stock (BAPI_SALESORDSTCK_DEBIT_CREDIT) Debit/Credit Material in Project Stock (BAPI_PROJECTSTOCK_DEBIT_CREDIT) Result The system makes the following postings: For materials with the standard price, the ...
Solved: Hi experts, I have a problem with the BAPI_MATVAL_PRICE_CHANGE, as the company wants to update pricing through uploading from a text file. Let's say 500
The Function Module BAPI_MATVAL_PRICE_CHANGE (Material Price Change) is a standard Function Module in SAP ERP and is part of the function group CKMLSENDPRICE within the package CO_ML_SENDPRICE.
Hi Gurus, I am using bapi "BAPI_MATVAL_PRICE_CHANGE" for mass updates of material prices. Interestingly it is taking much longer than BDC; I don't have any
Debit/Credit Materials (BAPI_MATVAL_DEBIT_CREDIT) Debit/Credit Material in Sales Order Stock (BAPI_SALESORDSTCK_DEBIT_CREDIT) Debit/Credit Material in Project Stock (BAPI_PROJECTSTOCK_DEBIT_CREDIT) Result The system makes the following postings: For materials with the standard price, the ...