Dear all, I would like to share Certain object types and Form types of SAP B1. Introduction Nothing special, just a small overview of SAP Business One Object Types and
oPackagesTypes 205 oUserObjectsMD 206 oTeams 211 团队 oRelationships 212 oUserPermissionTree 214 oActivityStatus 217 oChooseFromList 218 oFormattedSearches 219 格式化搜索 oAttachments2 221 oUserLanguages 223 用户语言 oMultiLanguageTranslations 224 oDynamicSystemStrings 229 oHouseBankAccounts...
SAPB1单据对象编码 MemberoChartOfAccountsoBusinessPartnersoBanksoItemsoVatGroupsoPriceListsoSpecialPricesoItemPropertiesoUsersoInvoicesoCreditNotesoDeliveryNotesoReturnsoOrdersoPurchaseInvoicesoPurchaseCreditNotesoPurchaseDeliveryNotesoPurchaseReturnsoPurchaseOrdersoQuotationsoIncomingPaymentsoJournalVouchersoJournalEntries...
Solved: Hello Experts, How I can get the list of Object Type i.e. like for example for Invoice it is '13'. Looking for the list of Object types for other OBJECTS . Help
Hello guys, in the day by day of development, any code that is written more than one time, should receive an special attention. We should try abstracting them, so that,
Object Types You can include objects of the following object types in a configuration folder: Material Document Material BOM Project definition WBS element Network operation Serial number On the Material tab page you can assign a serial number to a material in order to individually disti...
GlobalParametersListByFactoryNextResponse GlobalParametersListByFactoryOptionalParams GlobalParametersListByFactoryResponse GlobalParameterSpecification GlobalParameterType GoogleAdWordsAuthenticationType GoogleAdWordsLinkedService GoogleAdWordsObjectDataset GoogleAdWordsSource GoogleBigQueryAuthenticationType GoogleBigQueryLinkedServic...
allowedOrigin Array A comma-separated list of objects that each one of them containing host name, port and protocol that are allowed by the server.for example: [{?host?: ""}] or [{?host?: ?}]. Note: matching is case-sensitive. In addition, if port or protocol...
The object types in the Project System include:Project definition Standard Project Definition WBS element Network header Network activity Activity element An object can have any number of statuses at any one time.Example A network may have the statuses released , preliminary costing , printed...
Several interfaces to the object storage are supported by SDI. S3 interface is one of them. Please take a look at Checkpoint Store Type at Required Input Parameters (3.3) / (3.2) / (3.1) for the complete list. SAP help page covers preparation of object store (3.3) / (3.2) / (3.1)...