Start with ATO (Adaptation Transport Organizer) SetupIf you start transaction SCFD_EUI, you will get the following pop-up to set up ATO: Step into ATO Setup for configuration:If not done already, you can use a setup similar to this:For ATO Setup, ensure the green traffic light appears ...
Se non specificato, il set di dati verrà visualizzato a livello radice. open_hub_destination_name <xref:JSON> Nome della destinazione Open Hub con tipo di destinazione come tabella di database. Tipo: stringa (o Espressione con stringa resultType). Obbligatorio. exclude_las...
iii. In Transaction Code S_ATO_SETUP, set up Adaptation Transport organizer with specific data using ZZ1_ as prefix and sandbox prefix as ZZ9_. After maintaining the prefix and sandbox prefix click on the setup specific data to create setup. ii. SOST and SCOT configuration should be in pl...
${ato_po_item_cancella- tion_events} Ereignisse, die anzeigen, dass eine Bestellposition storniert wurde, z.B. 'Delete PO Item' 'Delete PO Item' Quellsystem SAP S/4HANA SAP S/4HANA SAP S/4HANA SAP S/4HANA SAP S/4HANA SAP S/4HANA SAP S/4HANA SAP S/4HANA SAP S/4HANA ...
Enter the local package that you specified in transactionATO Setup(S_ATO_SETUP) and all other packages to which you want to transport your development objects. Object name Namespace in which extension items are developed Object type Type of extension...
(ATO) 考虑基本组件和通用件 81 列出某个时期(n期)内各期实际销售量(Si) 求出该时期平均销售量(A Si/n) 求出平均绝对偏差(MAD) MAD = (Si-A)/n 求出1 MAD, 2 MAD, 3MAD mMAD 各占实际销售量的 ,以此%作为期望的服务水平 以(1-m)MAD作为各服务水平%的安全库存 i=1-n i=1-n i=1-n ...
SD-BF-TP 3302312 Error “Transport text type “TX08″ for text object” when releasing change project – SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2302 SD-BIL-GF-OC 3114211 Flexible Billing Output for PS – Inability to activate Custom Aggregation Rule S/4 HANA CLOUD SD-FIO-HBA 3302779 InfoProvider 2CISDBILLGDOC...
31、ato uct prceQI nshort tQX:加工靑WlBlBl I alell |gj|21ltd | Default vaues鬥】twmcloakDB010-10-2SEVRE調ETRETRO.COE-RETRMit.gicata QuiftttaM/MghtDth/tryichMu冷Aoiptinc.Qfod ( DtMry InvoKt AaountMg Ltl2gOvMl F Actja* vaLe0.00Expected /aL1000Enter Incoming Invoke: Company Ccxle...
建立销售订单要么直接录入一变式,要么录入配置物料并用变式决定•如果没有计划变式, 系统 口动调整主计划. 4. 销售订单之后的生产. 成品的MTO和ATO. 5. 交货 成品的交货. 特性计划(56,89) 在这个计划策略屮,需耍与计划策略即“带有配置的订货型生产”所需耍的 相同的必要条件:...
介绍管理员指南for sap hana admin guideb1.pdf,Typographic Conventions Type Style Description Example Words or characters ed from the screen. These include fiel mes, screen titles, pushbuttons labels, menu names, menu paths, and menu options. Textual cross