a first year for Asset Accounting of the company code. However, Depreciation posting program checks for previous period log while executing for the current period. The logs are stored in “TABA” table. For new company code there will not be any entries in TABA table. Due to missing function...
功能描述:Asset Unplanned Depreciation OData服务: UI5激活SAP应用: 权限角色:: 此APP对SAP支持如下: 模块:Asset Accountant; 版本:SAP S/4HANA Required Back-End Product: APP类型:GUI(SAP GUI TRANSACTION) 数据库支持类型:HANA DB exclusive 此APP对BSP支持如下: BSP名称: BSP包: BSP组件及版本: BSP运用地...
「LDG Sample chart erf depreciation; Uriversal fl 2、把折旧表LDG指派给公司代码 LDG(T_code:OAOB) 路径: Financial Accounting-Asset Accounting- Organizational Structures- Assign Chart of Depreciati on to Compa ny Code W Change View company code in Asset /kmuntiriQA Overview Table view 5dt Goto...
SAP Managed Tags: FIN Asset Accounting FIN Asset Accounting Software Product Function View products (1) Hello All, We have about 100 Assets that will not accelerate its depreciation? We are using the LVA Depreciation Key and it worked on over 1000 assets, but just not these 100. *** LV...
Asset-资产: 通常说的固定资产。 资产主数据分三层:一般数据层,折旧范围层和资产价值层。 一般数据层:维护的是资产的描述,科目定位码(资产类别),序列号,存货号,库存注记,资本化日期,以及资产所属的成本中心和业务范围。 折旧范围层## depreciation area: ...
先介绍SAP系统中常用的FI报表。 了解SAP标准系统如何能帮助我们查询和出具那些财务报告。 这些报告中的一些或者需要被调整或者与其他报告不一样,虽然很多客户要求提供特殊的自定义报告,但我们仍可以先使用标准的FI报表来反映他们的交易,并帮助财务进行有效的对账,以下列示了SAP标准系统提供的很多报表选择 ...
Capital expense planningallows to plan asset additions and depreciations. The depreciations are an important input for the cost center planning and the asset additions can be rolled up into the financial statement planning Financial statement planningbrings together all the detail plans and creates an...
In Asset accounting, the asset value date is very important value field solely because it is the main criteria for calculating the depreciation value for the asset. Along with this, the capitalization date, First Acquisition date fields too play important roles. ...
You specify the asset-specific depreciation terms for every depreciation area belonging to the chart of depreciation. You enter the depreciation terms in the asset class or directly in the asset master record of the particular asset(see Asset Master Record). This makes it possible, for example...