Hello, Many of you already know to work with For loop in SAP ABAP. However, those who are new to the ABAP 7.4 syntax often struggle at some places to achieve the
hRow = SAP.RfcAppendNewRow(hTableFields) rc = SAP.RfcSetChars(hRow, "FIELDNAME", "TABNAME") hRow = SAP.RfcAppendNewRow(hTableFields) rc = SAP.RfcSetChars(hRow, "FIELDNAME", "FIELDNAME") hRow = SAP.RfcAppendNewRow(hTableFields) rc = SAP.RfcSetChars(hRow, "FIELDNAME", "POS...
Syntax ... { ASSIGNING <fs> } | { REFERENCE INTO dref }... . Effect You can use these additions only to append single rows. If the append was successful, you use the addition ASSIGNING to assign the appended row to a field symbol <fs>; you use addition REFERENCE INTO to set...
Structures and tables that were defined by SAP in the ABAP Dictionary can be enhanced subsequently by customers using Customizing includes or append structures. The enhancements do not only refer to structures/ tables themselves,but also to dependent structures that adopt the enhancement as...
check_list_object = NEW #( ). APPEND `This warning message is raised by Jerry's custom syntax check` TO lt_text. APPEND | method: { mtdkey-cpdname } has totally { lines( lt_source ) } lines of source code, please refact it to ensure | TO lt_text. ...
MESSAGE e130(enhancement) RAISING syntax_error. ENDIF. * * check i_stoken for entries CLEAR w_linnum. DESCRIBE TABLE i_stoken LINES w_linnum. IF w_linnum GT 0. w_level = '1'. w_prog = i_fmodule-pname2. w_incl = i_fmodule-pname. PERFORM data_search TABLES i_stoken USING...
APPEND/INSERT…INDEX操作不能用于Hash表 APPEND/INSERT…INDEX用于排序表时条件:附加/插入时一定要按照Key的升序来附加;如果是Unique排序表,则不能附加/插入重附的数据,这与INSERT…INTO TABLE是不一样的 READ TABLEINDEX<idx> INTO<wa> [COMPARING<f1><f2> ...|ALL FIELDS] [TRANSPORTING...
New aspect sap.common.TextsAspect in common.cds New syntax for collection-bound entities Changed Successive calls to SELECT.where() wraps existing clause in brackets if it contains or. E.g. SELECT.from `X` .where `x` .or `y` .where `z` //> SELECT from X where (x or y) and z...
Because not all databases support the same bulk update syntax, updates are done row by row. Note: When you use this Integration CT, the following restrictions apply: The Loading Type property of the target Table operator should be set to either INSERT_UPDATE or UPDATE_INSERT. A unique key ...
<new_table_name> ::= <new_user_name> ::= <user_name><new_usergroup_name> ::= <usergroup_name><next_stamp_statement> ::= NEXT STAMP [INTO] <parameter_name><not_reserved_key_word> ::=ADD ADDRESS ADD_MONTHS AFTER ALTERIN ANALYZE AND ANSI APPEND ARCHIVE AS ASC AT AUTHORIZATION...