field:it_bg-plnfl module f4_help_for_vornr, "顺序、工序的联动搜索 it_bg-vornr module f4_help_for_vornr. 3、双击“f4_help_for_vornr”创建该module,这时进入程序代码编辑,module如下: module f4_help_for_vornr input. call function 'F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST' exporting retfield = 'PLN...
field:it_bg-plnfl module f4_help_for_vornr, "顺序、工序的联动搜索 it_bg-vornr module f4_help_for_vornr. 3、双击“f4_help_for_vornr”创建该module,这时进入程序代码编辑,module如下: module f4_help_for_vornr input. call function 'F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST' exporting retfield = 'PLN...
* add_field : msgty '返回状态' , msgtx '返回信息' , matnr '物料编码' , werks '工厂' , aennr '变更编号', plnty '任务清单类型' , plnnr '任务清单组' , plnal '组计数器' , plnfl '顺序序列' , vornr '工序序号' , arbpl '工作中心', vgwrt '直接人工' , vgw04 '间接费用' ....
ALV*&* text* * ->P_LT_TAB text*FORM show_alv TABLES table .*ALV表格显示样式PERFORM alv_list_layout*ALV报表的字段设置PERFORM pf_alv_list_fcatUSING it_fieldcat*ALV报表显示PERFORM pf_alv_list_displyTABLES table .ENDFORM1 " SHOW_ALV*&*& Form ALV_LIST_LAYOUT*&* text* * -> pltext|*...
SAP内部订单业务配置及操作手册内部订单业务配置及操作手册概述概念内部订单内部订单没有Release下达是不能够使用的。订单订单种类OrderCategoryTable内部订单主数据表AUFK NoFieldName1AUFNR订单号Ord
je Field status group 25.2 RecefVBbl5/pav^ble5 dsarrg r~|Po5t auBmattaly orfr □ Statement auto, ixstings Tl^gJDesCripUdh 匸肝血Datm』 Key w5r0/b~3rsiatoi InfturnTtkin (仃A) | IZ LiM Bank/finana^ det sis in 匚口 mpanv cods Planring le^el 1 0 □ Relevant to cash flow...
and plnal = t_file-plnal. perform bdc_field using 'RC271-PLNNR' v_plnnr. Current date MOVE SY-DATUM TO V_DATE. perform get_date. perform bdc_field using 'RC271-STTAG' V_DATE. perform bdc_field using 'RC271-PLNAL' t_file-plnal. Screen 5400 perform bdc_screen using 'SAPLCPDI...
To choose an index, the optimizer checks the field names specified in the where clause and then uses an index that has the same order of the fields. One more tip is that if a table begins with MANDT, while an index does not, there is a high possibility that the optimizer might not ...
PLNFL Sequence of operations in a routing char 6 VORNR1 Branch operation number char 4 VORNR2 Return operation number char 4 E1AFVOL002 and E1AFUVL002 Field Description Type Length VORNR Operation number char 4 UVORN Sub-operation number ...
SAP_CO_IOSAP内部订单业务配置及操作手册Vtrigger_lau.doc,SAP内部订单业务配置及操作手册 内部订单业务配置及操作手册 概述 概念 内部订单 内部订单没有Release (下达)是不能够使用的。 订单 订单种类(Order Category ) Table 内部订单主数据表(AUFK) No Field Name