Supercharge your planning transformation with quick start content packages for finance, sales, human resources, and supply chain in SAP Analytics Cloud. Leverage templates, dashboards and customise the content to fit the needs of your business. Finance Use SAP S/4HANA content packages to jump-sta...
See how customers are succeeding with SAP Analytics Cloud for planning City of Hagen: Transforming municipal budget planning and analytics with a... Learn how the City of Hagen can make more data-driven decisions at all levels by...Lea más GEA: Putting financial reporting on the fast track...
We specialize in transforming and optimizing your business processes for enhanced efficiency and impact. Our solutions encompass: planning, budgeting, forecasting, reporting, dashboards, and analytics built on SAC, SAP Analytics Cloud.
SAP Analytics Cloud combines advanced analytics and planning capabilities to unlock the full potential of your investments in mission-critical business applications—and most valuable data sources. SAP Analytics Cloud capabilities are natively available in SAP Business Data Cloud. Learn more Infuse trusted...
SAP Analytics Cloud for planning, SAP HANA Cloud, Data and Analytics, SAP Business Technology Platform We’re excited to announce the launch of our brand-new learning journey. SAP Analytics Cloud Integrated Planning for SAP BW In this learning journey, we will follow your team as you progress...
11SAPAnalytics Cloud - 计划 SAC最开始叫Cloud For Planning,最开始做的功能就是Planning,后来才慢慢有了BI和Predictive的功能,因此Planning是非常成熟的功能了。首先它可以让你很方便创建模型,创建完模型以后可以直接在浏览器里面修改。对于安全性包括计划里的功能做得特别好,举例来说在一个数值里面我的预算是多少,后...
SAP Analytics Cloud Planning includes all of the Business Intelligence capabilities, plus added planning features. With analytics and planning in one package, your teams can create an end-to-end plan for every aspect of your business. see more SAP Digital Boardroom Add SAP Digital Boardroom to...
Legacy BI workflows can be moved to SAP Analytics Cloud, where they are complemented by new workflows for visualization, dashboards, planning and much more. One notable exception is report scheduling and broadcasting, for SAC stories and applications, and for Analysis for Office (AfO) reports. ...
So how can you react to change and easily replan with the help of SAP Analytics Cloud? In this blog, we will look at some capabilities offered by the Planning Panel, an intuitive and easy to use tool that you will find essential in your ad-hoc planning scenarios!
SAC是SAP Analytics Cloud的缩写,中文简称SAP分析云。SAC是SAP提供的一种 SaaS(软件即服务)解决方案的BI软件,用户通过简单的点击、拖拽等动作即可完成数据的连接、准备、分析和预测工作,进行企业业务场景下的数据分析、数据可视化、计划和预测。SAC是基于SAP HANA Cloud Platform (SCP) 构建的,因此SAC是天然和SCP...