SAP Analytics Cloud is a complete solution for analytics and planning that is designed to unlock the full potential of all your investments in mission-critical business applications and most valuable data sources. Infuse trusted AI: Embrace the power of generative AI to automate reporting, discover...
Learn how cloud analytics technology enables data visualization and improved business intelligence with SAP Analytics Cloud.
SAP Analytics Cloud is a complete solution for analytics and planning that is designed to unlock the full potential of all your investments in mission-critical business applications and most valuable data sources. Infuse trusted AI: Embrace the power of generative AI to automate reporting, discover...
SAP Analytics Cloud capabilities are natively available in SAP Business Data Cloud. Learn more Infuse trusted AI: Embrace the power of generative AI to automate reporting, discover hidden insights, and develop business plans with Joule copilot. Deliver mission-critical analytics: Elevate business...
我认为,通向未来的航标应该有两个。一个是智能化,通过AI技术实现智能化,会改变现在的业务流程,智能化将成为衡量传统行业新的标准;二是数据革命,作为驱动人工智能前进的核心动力,也是未来世界新的能源和资源,数据的价值将会被重新定义。作为SAP新一代分析解决方案,SAP Analytics Cloud从发布时起就致力于重新...
经过此次更新,SAP Datasphere现在可以为用户提供更多优势。例如,SAP Analytics Cloud中提供了SAP的生成式AI——copilot Joule,它可以用于自动创建报告、仪表板、可视化、计划等。 SAP表示,这种自动化是通过SAP HANA Cloud的新矢量功能实现的,该功能现在已经普遍提供给用户。矢量搜索是生成式AI的一个关键功能,可以让大型...
基于在Amazon Graviton上运行SAP HANA Cloud的成功经验,SAP计划进一步借助Amazon Graviton支持SAP解决方案和应用,例如SAP BTP、SAP Datasphere(数据整合平台)、SAP Analytics Cloud(分析云)以及SAP Cloud ALM解决方案。SAP计划通过亚马逊云科技面向机器学习训练自研芯片Amazon Trainium和面向机器学习推理自研芯片Amazon In...
首先,SAP 的生成式 AI 智能副驾 Joule 已经开始内嵌于 SAP Analytics Cloud(分析云),以实现报告、仪表板和计划的自动化创建和开发。这一自动化过程是通过SAP HANA Cloud 的矢量引擎功能(已通常可用)实现的,并结合了大语言模型和企业相关数据,这可以帮助确保业务背景是生成式 AI 输出结果的不变因素。
百年制药企业借助嵌入商业AI的SAP Analytics Cloud分析云加强财务运营,企业研发的财务预测工作时长从数周降低至2小时,准确度提高40%,大幅提升了研发投资回报率,降低决策风险。供应链管理效率提升10倍 世界知名高科技跨国企业采用AI集成的SAP S/4 HANA与SAP BTP平台,辅以SAP智能副驾Joule,可在1分钟内快速找出问题...
SAP Analytics Cloud, add-in for Microsoft Excel allows you to input, retrieve, and manipulate data directly from either an SAP Analytics Cloud dashboard or an Excel sheet and have it immediately updated to make timely decisions. Enlarge Content packages Supercharge your planning transformation with...