9 QFIELDNAME ALV 控制: 参考计量单位的字段名称 10 IFIELDNAME ALV 控制: 内部表字段的字段名称 11 ROUND ALV 控制: ROUND 值 12 EXPONENT ALV 控制:流动表示的指数 13 KEY ALV 控制: 关键字段 关键字段,前面变蓝色 14 KEY_SEL ALV 控制: 可以被隐藏的关键列 可以被隐藏的关键列 15 ICON ALV 控...
ALV里的显示属性可通过定义i_layout TYPE slis_layout_alv来使用不同的显示风格。可双击“slis_layout_alv”来查看类型组SLIS里的layout属性:
FORM display_alv . * 自定义表格 PERFORM frm_append_head. * 动态赋值 PERFORM set_data. * 自定义样式 PERFORM set_layout. CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY_LVC' EXPORTING i_callback_program = sy-repid "程序名 is_layout_lvc = gs_layout "自定義樣式 it_fieldcat_lvc = gw_fieldcat "...
We have standard SAP ALV report. When users execute this report and try to save their layout sometimes they save as default. This changes default layout for other users causing support issues. Is there a way I can lock the Default layout settings so no body can change it? Thanks in advanc...
Solved: Hi, I need to have a parameter in the selection screen. If I change the layout name on the selection-screen, the layout of the ALV needs to be changed. Thanks,
I have requirement where I need to validate the ALV Layout for any particular Report. For this I am using function module 'REUSE_ALV_VARIANT_EXISTENCE'. Now if this layout is valid I need to get it's all parameters such as on which fileds SORT, FILTER, etc.. criteria is applied. I...
SAP MM ME1M 报表的Layout之调整 之所周知,SAP的很多报表都可以是ALV的格式输出,这个格式对于业务而言,界面友好,方便业务人员按照自己的需求去调整报表输出结果,也方便业务人员将输出导出到本地文件。比如ME5A,ME2L,ME2M, ME2N等等。这些报表的界面上都有一个字段scope of list, 将其改成ALV, ...
Solved: Hi experts, I have a requirement to display all the pending PR with some custom fields in alv and there descriptions and total quantity etc, so i have created a
Add field to ALV Layout Selection - FS10N former_member800454 Explorer 2006 Oct 10 5:00 PM 0 Kudos 899 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Since putting in workflow to have FI documents approved, the user name field (entered by - USNAM) always has WF-BATCH. User now wants to ...
Parameter Meaning IS_LAYOUT Structure with fields for display options, graphical grid control properties, totals options, exceptions, colors, drag and drop and other interaction elements.For an overview, see: Methods of Class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID