Solved: I can't delete file in tcode AL11. I dont have any button to delete it. Can someone explain how I can delete a file in the transaccion AL11? The directory where
delete the file from al11 Former Member 2008 Oct 23 6:02 AM 0 Kudos 3,000 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hai every body, i created one file in i want to delete that file from al11... how can i delete that file... Regards, m.Prabhu Reply All forum ...
FILE_GET_NAME:能将SAP中通过FILE事务码定义的与操作系统无关(platform-independent)逻辑文件名转换成与平台相关的物理文件名。逻辑文件名通过下面的FILE事务码来配置。 列出服务器上的目录:al11 配置逻辑文件 第一步.建立操作系统的分类:如下面SAP系统已经建立了常用的操作系统分类,如DOS、UNIX、MAC、WIN几类操作系统。
File operations in SAP Application server (AL11) using UNIX Command Applies to: SAP BW 3.5, BI 7.0 Summary This paper demonstrates how to implement basic file operations like move, merge and delete files in SAP Application server (AL11) by calling UNIX script file through OS commands and to...
Solved: how to delete a file in AL11 directory?
Solved: Hi All, I am trying to delete file from application server (AL11) directory after processing using DELETE DATASET FILE is not working , after processing also
AL11 SE10 SE11 SE16 SE37 SM58 SM59 B.1.2 RKMの実行に必要な認可 RKM SAP ERPを使用してリバース・エンジニアリングを実行するには、表B-3に示す認可が必要です。 表B-3 RKMの実行に必要な認可 オブジェクトフィールド名値 S_ADMI_FCD S_ADMI_FCD * S_ADMI_FCD S_ADMI_FCD...
We are supposed to upload our attachment file ( pdf type )to the repository in AL11 and then provide the file path in IT_ATTACH under PHIO_PATH_FILE. However, this isn't working as expected—SRM does not recognize the file path. Instead, it generates an empty file in the SRM Portal ...
FILENAME = 'C:\TEMP\1.PDF' FILETYPE = 'BIN' TABLES DATA_TAB = IT_LINES EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 15. ENDIF. ENDIF. "remove temp file from app server DELETE DATASET L_FILE.ENDIF. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. ...