SAP采购的AccountAssignmentCategory(转) 今天一个MM的哥们,有个疑问问了我下,因为我相信对于比较多的MM初级的顾问,可能会存在同样的疑问,所以我这里简单的分析并和大家共享下此问题及解答,希望对大家有所帮助。 问题如下: 1、新建一个科目分配类别 H(复制 K cost center )(如图一) ...
Why account assignment category 'U' maintained ? Now problem is this , if the user is creating a PR for any non stock item and while putting 'K' its asking for G/L account . Then he is changing the account assignment category to 'U' and save the PR . How I can block this account...
消耗记账标示来源于采购订单 Account assignment category配置 配置路径:SPRO->Materials Management->Purchasing->Account Assignment->Maintain Account Assignment Categories 四、valuationmodify(VM) 估价修改估价修改在科目确定为可选,如果要使用估价修改时,必须先激活启用估价修改。 4.1定义评估级别(工厂级别) 配置路径:S...
I create an item, and enter the account assignment category for the item on the overview screen. After I Choose Account assignments. The box for entering account
用户需求,自动过帐还需要核算到多个辅助项目,这不成问题,系统为移动类型设置了多个字段状态分组,通常的辅助核算无非是供应商/客户/员工什么的,图8-23显示的是附加科目设置分组(Account Assignment)的字段,你想到的没想到的"核算"字段应该都有,而且你可以方便设置那些字段为必输,隐藏和可选。 1. "回转/后续移动类型...
是指订单的一个分类。每个订单类型会对应一个订单类别(order category) Ordinary deprec.-正常折旧: -正常折旧 Post Key-过账码: 记帐码相当于中国传统会计中的借或贷。作用:决定科目类型(a k d m s),一个记帐码只能分配给一个账户类型 决定凭证行项目的借贷方向(有借必有代,借贷必相等)控制行项目屏幕字段...
1) While Creating PO Account assignment category is not defaulted for Capital goods. In the PO if you enter the Account assignment category as "A"-Asset or "K" --Cost centre then Account assignment tab will come in the PO to enter the Accounts & cost centre for that. As Capital goods...
You create a purchase order with reference to a subcontracting purchase requisition. This purchase requisition was created with an unknown account assignment, that is, account assignment category 'U'. When you change the account assignment category in the purchase order, the system issues error messag...
If account assignment category 1 is used in item category definition, goods receipt is not possible, as the goods receipt indicator is not set for this account assignment cat. If account assignment category X is used, goods receipt is possible. The goods receipt posting (t-code migo) would ...
To change the account assignment, the following prerequisites must be fulfilled: In Customizing for Purchasing, you can configure for each account assignment category whether users in Invoice Verification can change it. ( Purchasing Account Assignment ...