MESSAGE'Upload FTP Success'TYPE'S'. WHEN1. MESSAGE'Upload FTP Failure (Tcpip_error)'TYPE'S' DISPLAYLIKE'E'.EXIT. WHEN2. MESSAGE'Upload FTP Failure (Command_error)'TYPE'S' DISPLAYLIKE'E'.EXIT. WHEN3. MESSAGE'Upload FTP Failure (Data_error)'TYPE'S' DISPLAYLIKE'E'.EXIT. WHENOTHERS. ...
MESSAGE'Upload FTP Success'TYPE'S'. WHEN1. MESSAGE'Upload FTP Failure (Tcpip_error)'TYPE'S' DISPLAYLIKE'E'.EXIT. WHEN2. MESSAGE'Upload FTP Failure (Command_error)'TYPE'S' DISPLAYLIKE'E'.EXIT. WHEN3. MESSAGE'Upload FTP Failure (Data_error)'TYPE'S' DISPLAYLIKE'E'.EXIT. WHENOTHERS. ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development can u uplad csv to internal table using fm Gui_upload fm and when u use 'TEXT_CONVERT_XLS_TO_SAP' use below stm TYPE-POOLS: truxs. DATA: it_raw TYPE truxs_t_text_data. regards, sathish Reply Former Member 2007 May 23 10:28 AM 0 Kudos...
SAP ABAP 处理 Excel 的标准函数 TEXT_CONVERT_XLS_TO_SAP 介绍 本文再介绍一种将 ABAP 内表内容导出成本地 Excel 文件的简便做法,需要通过过 csv 文件作为中转桥梁。 假设我们 ABAP 内表的结构如下,包含三列,分别存储一本图书的书名,作者和销量, 字段名称为 name,author 和 sells: ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Dear Friends, I have a requirement where i have to upload data from the .csv file to my custom table could any one please give me the procedure , could any one give me a sample piece of code the upload data from .csv file to my custom table. Reg...
SAP ABAP 处理 Excel 的标准函数 TEXT_CONVERT_XLS_TO_SAP 介绍 本文再介绍一种将 ABAP 内表内容导出成本地 Excel 文件的简便做法,需要通过过 csv 文件作为中转桥梁。 假设我们 ABAP 内表的结构如下,包含三列,分别存储一本图书的书名,作者和销量, 字段名称为 name,author 和 sells: ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, i have a requirement to upload a CSV file. I used the fm GUI_UPLOAD for this. the internal table will be one with a single field and all the field values seperated by ',' right? is there any way to get this fields populated into the correspo...
最顯著的差異在於 SAP ABAP 系統有一個 ASCS 執行個體。 SAP Java 系統有一個 SCS 執行個體。 SAP ABAP+Java 系統有一個 ASCS 執行個體和一個 SCS 執行個體在相同 Microsoft 容錯移轉叢集群組中執行。 我們會明確說明每個 SAP NetWeaver 安裝堆疊的所有安裝差異。 您可以假設所有其他部分...