SAP ABAP 选择屏幕、事件流、ALV报表 选择屏幕 (1)PARAMETERS对象及其属性 PARAMETERS: p_id like dbtab-id, p_checkbox AS CHECKBOX DEFAULT ‘X’, p_radio RADIOBUTTON GROUP g1 DEFAULT ‘X’, p_radio RADIOBUTTON GROUP g1, p_radio RADIOBUTTON GROUP g1. 语法 说明 DEFAULT ‘A’ 初始值 ...
l_result2 TYPE abap_bool, l_file TYPE string. DATA: l_tab_raw_data TYPE truxs_t_text_data. *Search Option SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF BLOCK b1 WITH FRAME TITLE TEXT-001. PARAMETERS: p_xls RADIOBUTTON GROUP g1 DEFAULT 'X', p_txt RADIOBUTTON GROUP g1, p_open TYPE rlgrap-filename O...
一般情况下,我们都说ABAP中有表有3种类型 :透明表 (transparent table)、簇表(cluster table)、 池表 (pool table)。 先来说下什么叫做透明表(transparent table):透明表是一种和数据库具 有相同结构的表存储结构,假设我在SAP系统中,使用SE11创建了一个CUSTOMER TABLE 那么我创建的结构是怎么样的,在数据库的...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi You can use Selection-screen Begin of line & End of Line to have in the same line. eg: selection-screen begin of line. parameters: p_inches, p_rad1 radiobutton group rad1 default 'X'. selection-screen end of line. selection-screen begin of line...
SAP Managed Tags: UI Web Dynpro ABAP Dear all, Can anyone please help me how to use radio button in a webdynpro table in a column?, In a column i want to use radio button and i want to select one button at a time in a column.Know...
Right click on the package –> New –> Other ABAP Repository Object –> Select Database Table and enter the name of the table -> enter Description -> Next. Below is the code snippet to create a table. Step4 – Create class to pass data in table –ZTEST_EMPCLASS ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi all, I have a problem. Is there some way to creat selection-screen button (the same radiobutton group) in different blocks. the err message is [A parameter of the radio group 'GP1' has already been defined in the block 'BLK1'] SELECTION-SCREEN ...
无峰,公众号:ABAP 技巧与实战SAP工具箱 行表转列表的通用类 本文主要介绍行表转列表时,保持单元格的颜色及编辑状态 二 示例程序 示例程序名: ZTS_COL_TO_LINE_EDIT_COL 源代码附在文末 01 内表定义 02 内表内容 构造内表内容,及单元格的编辑状态/颜色 ...
The Table represents the elements of the context node bound to dataSource. All the properties of a TableCellEditor that are bound to an attribute of dataSource or to context nodes within the dataSource, do not assume the value of the lead selection of the node as is usual, instead they ...
SAP ABAP弹出选择框函数汇总 ** 介绍几个abap中的弹出选择框函数: ** 1, POPUP_TO_DECIDE_LIST 弹出供选择窗口,最多为25个选项选择可以是单选或是多选. 缺点是弹出窗口的大小不能设置,只和 textline1/textline2中的文本长度相关。 代码: 弹出供选择窗口,最多为25个选项选择可以是单选或是多选....