i_requested_status = 'E' i_status_mail = 'E' ). send_request->set_send_immediately( immediately ). * 第七步: 正式发送并提交作业 send_request->set_send_immediately( '' ). "设置立即发送 send_request->send_request->set_link_to_outbox( 'X' ). "与outbox关联 CALL METHOD send_request...
a)对于每一个client,需要创建一个用户作为邮件的接收者,比如我创建了一个用户叫做MAILUSER,用户的类型设置为service,并给该用户赋profile S_A.SCON b)对于每个用户来说,如果需要发送或者接收邮件的话,也需要在为其配置email地址,在su01中的general的E-mail中配置即可,通讯方式为remote email 3.client assignment(S...
点击工具栏的 Send Mail 按钮,就能发出一封邮件去了。 因为这个例子我指定的接收邮箱是自己的电子邮箱,所以我的 outlook 里立即收到了一封邮件。 使用事物码SOST到系统查看,发现确实有一封邮件成功地通过 ABAP 系统发送出去了。 下面是这个 ABAP 报表实现的具体实现解析和完整源代码。
如果是47C或者以下,会用到RFC(SM59)) 1.设置Profile参数 2.SAP发邮件用户的维护 3.SICF 4.SCOT 5.SOST (查看发送状况) ABAP的编写: ***转载:http://www.sapclub.org/blog/chenying841027/archive/2008/09/25/71141.aspx 基本是参考note:455140(Configuration of e-mail, fax, paging or SMS using SM...
CALL METHOD send_request->add_recipient EXPORTING i_recipient = recipient i_express = 'X'.***adding the carbon copy(cc) in the mail*** validating in bu_sso is not blank. recipient1 = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address( v_email1 ...
i_status_mail = 'E'.CALL METHOD send_request->set_send_immediately( 'X' ).* 发送邮件CALL METHOD send_request->send(EXPORTING i_with_error_screen = 'X' RECEIVING result = sent_to_all ). COMMIT WORK AND WAIT.IF sent_to_all = 'X'.return...
ABAP_DOCU_DOWNLOAD –以HTML格式下载ABAP文档。 ARFC_GET_TID – 以十六进制形式返回终端的IP地址。 BAL_* -容纳了SAP的应用程序日志所有的函数模块。 BP_EVENT_RAISE –在 ABAP/4 程序中触发一个事件。 BP_JOBLOG_READ –获得job log的执行结果。
*Introduction* There seems to be a lot of requests in the forums for tips on how to send E-Mail from ABAP. Based upon these requests, I thought I would pull together some resources and samples on the subject. The setup and samples are quite different on different releases. Yesterday I ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development I want to send a converted excel file using mail for multiple users in To & CC position.Right now i am using FM: ' SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1 ' for this case i can send only single users at a time. how can i set it for multiple users please help...
无峰,公众号:ABAP技巧与实战SAP工具箱 自动生成发出接口程序(一) 本文主要介绍生成发出接口程序时使用的基本配置表ZTIF002中的字段及用法 二 接口表定义表 接口定义表ZTIF002. 用来记录所有的接口信息,并通过特定的字段控制接口的行为. 01 JIEKNO JIEKNO 接口编号 ...