从Office2007开始, 当我们新建一个word、excel等文档时,后者遵循了一个开源的规范:Office openXML格式。 所以可以使用ABAP直接创建一个符合上述规范的XML,就可以得到相应的word、excel 用于下载或者作为邮件附件。 openXML介绍:https://baike.baidu.com/item/openXML/8399547?fr=aladdin ABAP解析XML:https://www.cnbl...
Hello All, I am using the function module SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1 to send an e-mail with an excel attachment. The code works fine for less than 255 characters in each row
* hard code 附件为excel l_subject = '附件.xls'. * 添加附件,可以添加多个附件 CALL METHOD lo_document->add_attachment EXPORTING i_attachment_type = 'BIN' i_attachment_subject = l_subject i_attachment_size = l_file_size_char i_att_content_hex = lit_mailhex. * CREATING PERSISTENT OBJECT ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, I am to send mail with an excel attachment with the valid data. But the excel file which is sent as attachment has a blank line in the first row and my data is appended from second line. Can anyone give me a solution to this problem. Regards...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development ABAP Development Programming Tool View products (1) Hi, I have an excel file attached as the original to a DIR. I want to send this excel file as an attachment in the external email. I am retrieving the data contents of original file in binary format...
con_tab TYPE abap_char1 VALUE cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab.. (tab space) TRY. send_request = cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ). PERFORM f_head_cont. PERFORM f_xls_att2. •Dokument (mit Anhang) setzen(comment) CALL METHOD send_reques...
titleTYPEso_obj_des." excel 发送规则 DATA : lv_string TYPE string , lv_xstach TYPE xstring, lv_pdf_xstring TYPE xstring, c_tab TYPE c VALUE cl_bcs_convert=>gc_tab, c_crlf TYPE c VALUE cl_bcs_convert=>gc_crlf, c_mimetype TYPE char64 VALUE 'APPLICATION/MSEXCEL;charset=utf-16...
PERFORM define_mail_attachment. ***get mail receiver*** PERFORM get_receivers. *Send email message, although is not sent from SAP until mail send *program has been executed(rsconn01) PERFORM send_email_message. ENDFORM. FORM get_send
FORM send_mail .PERFORM get_send_mail.***define mail main context*** PERFORM define_mail_header.***dfine attachment*** PERFORM define_mail_attachment.***get mail receiver*** PERFORM get_receivers.*Send email message, although is not sent from SAP until mail send *program has been executed...
*Introduction* There seems to be a lot of requests in the forums for tips on how to send E-Mail from ABAP. Based upon these requests, I thought I would pull together