ABAP Development Programming Tool View products (1) Dear friends, I have a field MATNR on a table control and here is requirement to call different values on F4 for that field for each line of table control. Following is the code: PROCESS ON VALUE-REQUEST. FIELD it_towel-matnr MODULE f4...
2.DIALOG屏幕逻辑流 ① PROCESS BEFORE OUTPUT(PBO):在屏幕事件发生前的处理逻辑 ② PROCESS AFTER INPUT(PAI):在屏幕事件发生后的处理逻辑 ③ PROCESS ON HELP-REQUEST(POH):当用户查看帮助信息(F1键)时被触发,事件结束后将继续处理当前屏幕 ④ PROCESS ON VALUE-REQUEST(POV):当用户按下查询帮助按钮(F4键)时...
Process on value request in Dialog screen based on value of screen field Go to solution Former Member 2009 Sep 29 5:19 PM 0 Kudos 329 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hello Gurus, I have a check box on a dialog screen. If the checkbox is checked, based on that I want ...
第二种方法则可以在屏幕逻辑流中通过代码控制的办法来实现搜索帮助的控制,本例中自定义了一个屏幕文本输入字段LAB02,在逻辑流中首先要声明PROCESS ON VALUE-REQUEST事件,表示屏幕F4事件触发该事件。需要在该事件后指定具体的字段名及子程序名。
PROCESS ON VALUE-REQUEST. FIELD gv_matnr MODULE get_matnr. POV 编写POV程序 MODULE get_matnr INPUT. "获取搜索搜索帮助 select from makt FIELDS makt~matnr, makt~maktx INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE @gt_makt. CALL FUNCTION 'F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST' ...
Dynpro: PROCESS ON VALUE-REQUEST: with FIELD and module Former Member 2013 Sep 05 3:00 PM 0 Kudos 4,287 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hello, I have a problem with dynpro-programming: This is the coding on my dynpro: PROCESS ON VALUE-REQUEST. FIELD zmepo_badi_9000...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, can anyone make a suggestion: I have an input field (on screen 200) which can be prompted with F4. When this happens the PROCESS ON VALUE-REQUEST calls a module to bring up a choice window (screen 300). Once the choice is made, a selection st...
创建ABAP 连接。 创建接收方端口。 创建发送方端口。 创建逻辑系统合作伙伴。 创建合作伙伴配置文件。 测试发送消息。 创建RFC 目标 此目标将逻辑应用工作流标识为接收方端口。 在SAP 中,打开“RFC 连接配置”设置。 可以使用带有 /n 前缀的 sm59 事务代码 (T-Code)。
SAP .NET 用戶端程式庫僅支援 Unicode 字元編碼。 如果您在將 IDoc 從 SAP 傳送至 Azure Logic Apps 時,收到不支援非 ABAP RFC 用戶端 (合作夥伴類型)錯誤,請檢查 [與目標系統的通訊類型]值是否設定為 [Unicode]。 儲存您的變更。 建立以名為When a message is received的 SAP 受控觸發程序起始的邏輯應用...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Alex, U can use the "Process on value-request" for ur requirement. Process on value-request Field <field name of project code/name> Module <module name> In the Module defn u can use the fm "DYNP_VALUE_READ" to read the value of either project...