WRITE / STRING.WRITE: / 'SY-FDPOS:', SY-FDPOS.OFF = POS + SY-FDPOS -1.WRITE: / 'Off:', OFF. Output: This is a fast first example. SY-FDPOS: 10 This is a fast FIRST example. SY-FDPOS: 4 Off: 15 Note that in order to find the second word containing 'ft' after finding...
[SEPARATED BY sep]. 2.字符串分隔, split 一个string的部分到一个内表或一系列的变量 SPLIT dobj AT sep INTO { {result1 result2 ...} | {TABLE result_tab} } [IN {BYTE|CHARACTER} MODE]. 3. 字符串查找, 在一个字符串中查找模式串(FIND or SEARCH) FIND sub_string IN SECTION [OFFSET off...
replace [{FIRST OCCURRENCE}|{ALL OCCURRENCES} OF] oldSubStr in fullString with newSubStr. REPLACE SECTION [OFFSET off] [LENGTH len] OF dobj WITH new [IN {CHARACTER|BYTE} MODE]. REPLACE {str1} WITH {str2} INTO {c} [LENGTH {l}] 该写法已过时 实例代码 data lv_str type string. data...
2.字符串分隔, split 一个string的部分到一个内表或一系列的变量 SPLIT dobj AT sep INTO { {result1 result2 ...} | {TABLE result_tab} } [IN {BYTE|CHARACTER} MODE]. 3. 字符串查找, 在一个字符串中查找模式串(FIND or SEARCH) FIND sub_string IN SECTION [OFFSET off] [LENGTH len] OF ...
3. 字符串查找, 在一个字符串中查找模式串(FIND or SEARCH) FIND sub_string IN SECTION [OFFSET off] [LENGTH len] OF dobj --> 灰色部分用来缩小目的串被查找的范围 [ IN { BYTE | CHARACTER } MODE ] [ { RESPECTING | IGNORING } CASE ] ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, Use ' Find ' statement. DATA: c TYPE STRING, p(2) TYPE C, off TYPE I. c = 'Everyone / Knows This'. p = '/'. FIND p IN c MATCH OFFSET off. off = 10 Even we can use SEARCH where SY-FDPOS will give the position of character in tha...
Often when developing ABAP programs, it becomes necessary to replace a substring with another or find string length ABAP. For example, replace a comma with a dot or insert a space instead of a separator and many other options. The ABAP REPLACE character replacement function will help. This ...
String Manipulation Like many other programming languages, ABAP provides the functionality to interrogate and manipulate the data held in character strings. This section will look at some of the popular statements which ABAP provides for carrying out these functions: ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, How to replace a character in a string with blank space. Note: I have to change string CL_DS_1===CM01 to CL_DS_1 CM01. i.e) I have to replace '=' with ' '. I have already tried with REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF '=' IN temp_fill_str...
2.字符串分隔, split 一个string的部分到一个内表或一系列的变量 SPLIT dobj AT sep INTO { {result1 result2 …} | {TABLE result_tab} } [IN {BYTE|CHARACTER} MODE]. 3. 字符串查找, 在一个字符串中查找模式串(FIND or SEARCH) FIND sub_string ...