所以说COMMIT WORK是异步的,为了使其同步,所有就有了COMMIT WORK AND WAIT. 对于COMMIT WORK AND WAIT 来说,是可以判断是否更新成功的,SY-SUBRC NE 0就是有问题的。 上面是最简单的区别,再有: 由于系统中COMMIT WORK的数量是有限的,比如说我们系统是4000个,同时只能提交4000个更新进程,对于COMMIT WORK来说,执...
可以用COMMIT WORK AND WAIT语句来触发一个同步更新,DIALOG程序要等待UPDATE程序结束再进行下一步的处理。 如果后续处理或者DIALOG程序的结束需要依靠更新的结果,这个时候要用同步模式。可以用SY-SUBRC来检查同步更新的执行情况,在程序等待UPDATE程序执行的过程中,DIALOG程序的DIALOG WORK PROCESS被释放,当更新结束之后,系统...
PERFORM SUBROUT ON COMMIT COMMIT WORK AND WAIT COMMIT WORK From the point of view of database programming, a database LUW is an inseparable sequence of database operations that ends with a database commit. The database LUW is either fully executed by the database system or not at all. ...
2,同步模式 可以用COMMIT WORK AND WAIT语句来触发一个同步更新,DIALOG程序要等待UPDATE程序结束再进行下一步的处理。 如果后续处理或者DIALOG程序的结束需要依靠更新的结果,这个时候要用同步模式。可以用SY-SUBRC来检查同步更新的执行情况,在程序等待UPDATE程序执行的过程中,DIALOG程序的DIALOG WORK PROCESS被释放,当更新...
From the documentation we would expect that using COMMIT WORK AND WAIT (or the BAPI with WAIT = 'X') should be sufficient to ensure that the new object had been created successfully before the next statement is executed. In some cases this is correct in other cases it i...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development There's no delay. COMMIT WORK AND WAIT is not needed (AND WAIT is not for the direct database update as yours, it's to be used only if you have used CALL FUNCTION 'XXX' IN UPDATE TASK). There's an issue in your code somewhere. Are you sure ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Experts, I have a program with calls a normal function module (NOT update task). Inside this FM, there are Insert / Update / Delete performed on database tables. After this function module, we call 'COMMIT WORK AND WAIT'. The issues is all records...
ABAP 语句 COMMIT WORK 提交在 SAP LUW 期间完成的更改。它不能与 DB-Commit 混淆。 首先明确什么是 SAP LUW(Logic Unit of Work)? 下文所说的 工作流程,工作进程,都是指 SAP ABAP 培训教材里的 Work Process.关…
From the documentation we would expect that using COMMIT WORK AND WAIT (or the BAPI with WAIT = 'X') should be sufficient to ensure that the new object had been created successfully before the next statement is executed. In some cases this is correct in other cases it ...