在平时的ABAP开发中,需要捕获的异常通常为两种,一种是执行SQL,比如主键重复,INSERT语句字段类型不匹配等。还有就是RFC的通信错误,比如不能进行远程连接等。通常可以这么处理: 1.数据库异常: DATA: lcx_error TYPE REF TO cx_root. "cx_sy_sql_error . "cx_sy_open_sql_db. DATA i_tab LIKE TABLE OF sp...
Variable4 訊息變數 4ABAP 多任務緩衝處理記錄Microsoft Sentinel 函式來查詢此記錄檔:SAPSpoolLog 相關SAP 檔: SAP 說明入口網站 記錄用途:做為 SAP 列印的主要記錄檔,其中包含多任務緩衝處理要求的歷程記錄。 (SP01)。 可使用以標準 SAP 數據表為基礎的 RFC。 此記錄檔會透過所有客戶端的數據產生。ABAP...
Know that variables are also called as data objects. They are used to store values within the given memory portion of the program. It is possible to change the content of variables by using ABAP statements. Each variable has a certain type in ABAP, which helps to define the layout and siz...
1、ST05是用于在开发ABAP程序时,对应事务码取得的字段是“数据结构”而不是“透明表”的时候,通过ST05 的“SQL跟踪”来获得相关“Select”的语句;一般查看“REC”列耗时比较多的“Select”语句; 2、跟踪时如果有涉及到“数量”这类有对数据表进行更新或插入操作的,则直接去查Update和Insert的SQL语句; 3、在跟踪...
Declares a variable <f> with the fully-defined data type <type> or the same data type as another data object <obj>. The data type <type> can be D, F, I, T, a type defined locally in the program using the TYPES statement, or a type from the ABAP Dictionary. The data object <...
Assign (program_name) to <fs>. This will assign the starting memory address of the complete program ABAP memory to the field symbol. If you have used this statement: Is there the need to use "UNASSIGN" later for <fs> or is this done by ABAP internally? In the discussion of the docum...
If you get the error Non-ABAP RFC client (partner type) not supported when you send an IDoc from SAP to Azure Logic Apps, check that the Communication Type with Target System value is set to Unicode. Save your changes. Register your new Program ID with Azure Logic Apps by creating a ...
1、ST05是用于在开发ABAP程序时,对应事务码取得的字段是“数据结构”而不是“透明表”的时候,通过ST05的“SQL跟踪”来获得相关“Select”的语句;一般查看“REC”列耗时比较多的“Select”语句; 2、跟踪时如果有涉及到“数量”这类有对数据表进行更新或插入操作的,则直接去查Update和Insert的SQL语句; ...
With help of CL_ABAP_COMPILER, I can get a list of all methods call and used variable within the method being checked. The used information returned by CL_ABAP_COMPILER has the following format. As the Covariance check only makes sense on method call, ...
Here in Workzone, you have to go back, and create the page, and then go to the Space and assign it etc. a bit tedious compared to the creation flow in On-Premise. Also, it is not possible to just click on the Page(s) listed underneath the Space and navigate to them. Again, one...