CollapseExpandRawJSON错误: 500 -内部服务器错误请参见响应头以获得详细信息。{“错误”:{“代码”:"ErrorInternalServerError",“消息”:“无法将类型为'Microsoft.Exchange.Serv 浏览6提问于2016-01-12得票数 0 3回答 带有jQuery.ajax()的自定义HTTP谓词 、、 我正在与一个OData应用程序接口交互,它在...
前言:最近再给薪酬那边发布ws服务时出现了报错,调用方反馈了errorCode:BEA-380002。在使用XMLspy工具去调用这个WSDL时候,则反馈http500的错误消息。🦙(工作遇到傻逼,千万要远离。道路千万条,远离傻逼第一条) 最近再给薪酬那边发布ws服务时出现了报错,调用方反馈了errorCode:BEA-380002。在使用XMLspy工具去调用这个WSD...
SAP soamanager发布的Webservice服务,调用时出现http500报错 最近再给薪酬那边发布ws服务时出现了报错,调用方反馈了errorCode:BEA-380002。在使用XMLspy工具去调用这个WSDL时候,则反馈http500的错误消息。如下图: 遇到这种问题我通常是删掉重新发布服务,如果还不起作用再进行进一步的分析。检查了一遍发布的企业服务和soaman...
500 Native SSL error : SSL handshake with api.uat 443 failed: SSSLERR_SSL_CONNECT -57 SAPCRYPTO:SSL_connect failed received a fatal TLS1.0 internal_error alert from the peer 这个错误是关于 ABAP 作为客户端,无法通过 https 向提供 API 的外部服务器建立安全链接。 已经按照网上的方式使用事务码 s...
when I try to log on to intergration builder, getting error "Exception An internal error occurred. Contact you XI administrator java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError" with 500 internal server error.Know the answer? Help others by sharing your knowledge. Answer Need more details? Request clarification befor...
Hi, We are unable to complete a CR due to the following error Error: function module BUPA_DP_BUFFER_REFRESH no found. (termination: RABAX_STATE) The function module is
500 internal error is coming mostly for the NULL values. Try to check the values that you are using for session and for other operation. But the LockException is a result of may be your refresh-operation (maybe with session-data of your previous run of the webdynpro-application in your br...
Error Code: REFILLPLAN-500 Go to Error Code: Message Syntax The user technical identifier "{userTechIdName}" cannot be added because the Refill Plan "{refillPlanId}" has been released. Legend {refillPlanId}: The id of the Refill Plan {userTechIdName}: The name of the User Technical ...
500 Bad Gateway 或 400 Bad Request 错误 如果收到“500 网关错误”或“400 请求错误”,并且其中包含类似“sapgw00 服务未知”的消息,则对端口号的网络服务名称解析失败,例如: JSON {"body": {"error": {"code":500,"source":"","client...