In third-party process the delivery of the goods required by the customer is not done by sales organization where customer orders. Instead, the request of the goods is
We have a problem regarding third party sales. The process that we follow for third party sales is a standard one in which we create the Sales Order - PR - PO - GR (optional) - IR and the sales invoice.Initially in our Business a material may be manufactured internally or the same ma...
Third party sales processing does not work like that actually.. In fact, a third party sales processing is required because your company does not have the required goods to sell to the customer, so that's why a third party vendor is required to supply (and deliver/ship) the goods direct...
9. The item cat TAS or Schedule line cat CS is not relevant for delivery which is evident from the config and, therefore, there is no delivery process attached in the whole process of Third party sales. 10. Billing SD - 3rd party sales order Create Sales Order VA01 Order Type Sales ...
Sales org, distr chnl, div Enter Sold to PO # Material Quantity Enter Save SD - 3rd party sales order View the PR that is created with a third party sales order VA01 Order Number Goto Item Overview Item ->Schedule Item SD - 3rd party sales order View the PR that...
这个业务就是SAP称为“第三方销售订单”(3rdparty sales order)的三角交易业务,第三方是“外部供应商”,三方在业务中形成一个整体,彼此之间存在着业务关联关系; 2.4第4象限:卖方与第三方存在资本关联,货品始终没有进入卖方仓库,第三方直接交付给客人。由于卖方对第三方存在应付账款(AP),第三方对卖方存在应收账款(...
i _ 3rd Party with 杰吋YBlf3rd Party with 的r.磁一3rd PartyYB23rd P却t匕翌”YMl23分配需求类型到事务中路径: Sales and Distributio nBasi 9、c Fun cti ons Availability Check and Tran sfer ofRequireme nts Tran sfer of Requireme nts Determ in ati on of Requireme nt Types usingTran sac...
举个例子,客户主数据的关联方字段设置,可以决定你销售的科目。是ICO sales还是3rd party sales. 再比如一个料号的valuation class的设置,决定每一次收货,存货科目是原材料,半成品,还是产成品。再比如你需要熟悉SAP里科目设置的规律。每个公司的SAP都是客户化的,他们科目具体表现形式不同,有的公司用数字号段区分如 ...
举个例子,客户主数据的关联方字段设置,可以决定你销售的科目。是ICO sales还是3rd party sales. 再比如一个料号的valuation class的设置,决定每一次收货,存货科目是原材料,半成品,还是产成品。再比如你需要熟悉SAP里科目设置的规律。每个公司的SAP都是客户化的,他们科目具体表现形式不同,有的公司用数字号段区分如 ...