1、Movement type 移动类型 101采购订单收货、261生产订单收货、561期初库存 2、Value updating: 是否会值更新(产生财务凭证) 3、Quantity updating: 是否会更新数据(产生物料凭证)。由物料类型决定 4、Special stock: 不同的special stock可以有不同的account posting, K寄售库存,O项目库存 5、Movement indicator: ...
SLS: sales value receipt ▲Movement type tables Customized table T156 Movement Type - BWART T156B Movement Types: Screen Selection (BWART+SOBKZ) Batch determination T156SC Mvt Type: Qty/Value Posting: Customer Table; as of Rel. 4.6A ;QM.Inspection T156Q Movement Type: Material-Independent C...
Movement Type: 222 is used when movement 221 document is cancelled. Movement Type: 261 is used to do Goods Issue against Order. Movement Type: 262 is used when movement 261 document is cancelled. Movement Type: 311 is used to do Transfer Posting between Storage Locations in One Step. Moveme...
Movement type : 101:工單繳庫, PO收料 102: reversal of 101 103: reversal of 104 104: 從GR Block區域退貨給供應商, Purchase order會再Re-open 106: 從Block區域退至GR Block 201: 部門領料,Charge營業費用 202: 部門退料, Charge 營業費用 241: Asset領料 242: Asset退料 261: 工單補領 262: 工單...
SAP movement types has controlling functionality in SAP. They play the main role in account determination as well. For example, the movement type 101 used for Goods Receipt is configured to post accounting documents on thestock account as debit and GR/IR account as credit,whereas the movement ...
1、SAP Movement Type 详细介绍101 Goods receipt for purchase order or orderIf the purchase order or order has not been assigned to an account, a stock type (unrestricted-use stock, stock in quality inspection, blocked stock) can be entered during goods receipt.If the purchase order or order ...
我的做法是去仓库,给一位熟悉的库管做小工2周,期间他的SAP操作全部我来做。2周后,常用的MOVEMENT TYPE的操作如101、201、261、301、311、453、等等都碰到了。然后自己再将不常用的MOVEMENT TYPE操作几遍,直到MB1A/1B/1C/MIGO/MB51/MB52/MMBE的每一个界面有哪些view,每个view有那些字段,都烂熟于心。
3定义物料移动类型 Tcode:OMJJ|OMCJ|OMBW 关键词:移动类型|价值串|交易(事务)码|科目修改 移动类型(Movement Type):ERP系统使用移动类型来确定各种不同的物料移动是否更新物料的库存数量和自动对应到相关的G/L 帐目的规则。 价值串(Value String):物料移动的科目确定实际上是通过分配给移动类型的记账价值串来确定...
移动类型(Movement Type):ERP系统使用移动类型来确定各种不同的物料移动是否更新物料的库存数量和自动对应到相关的G/L 帐目的规则。 价值串(Value String):物料移动的科目确定实际上是通过分配给移动类型的记账价值串来确定。 交易码(TE Key):ERP系统使用交易(事务)码来确定生成过帐行的科目,每个物料交易实际上至少...