使用了上面程序test后,OK,你再使用MMBE,MB52, MC.9等发现每种T-code看到的库存都是不一样的 再次申明,使用Mard,MSEG,MBEW的T-code看库存数据一般会一致,但是 MC.9等使用了LIS table的就不一定了 熟悉LIS的朋友肯定熟悉此两表 TMC4:Global Control Elements: LIS Info Structure TMCAE:Features of Application...
5. 掌握SAP DIALOG设计,掌握tabstrip、table control等屏幕控件; 6. 掌握BADI、Customer Exits、ENHANCEMENT POINT等常用增强开发技术; 7. 熟悉BDC数据迁移技术,熟悉面向对象技术; 8. 熟悉BAPI、RFC、WebService、DBlink等常用接口技术; 9. 掌握SAP程序性能分析优化能力,具备简洁化、规范化的程序编码风格; ...
http://help.sap.com/saphelp_srm70/helpdata/en/6e/e3806dd38911d5994400508b6b8b11/frameset.htm Reply Former Member 2010 Sep 03 2:41 PM 0 Kudos 1,501 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development I had the same problem after upgrading to ECC6, was sufficient to activate the structure ...
前言 说起SAP中的变式(Variant),SAP从业者肯定不会陌生,对于选择屏幕复杂的程序界面,我们可以使用变式来简化界面(比如隐藏不相关字段),对于经常使用的并且每次都需要输入相同筛选条件的程序(比如每月都要执行的报表),可以设定和调用变式来简化操作,此外当我们需要需要设定后台JOB时,我们也需要为后台程序指定相应的变式。
The internal table "IT_2292717" could not be filled. Storage location: "Session memory" You attempted to create an OCCURS area 1536 bytes long for the internal table "IT_2292717". This is because the first entry is supposed to be created in the internal table. The amount of memory...
6e; Supplementary information, Fig. S6j). Finally, we performed a screening of mutation in the aa568‒aa578 fragment and identified the point mutations G572R and F573R that specifically disrupt the UHRF1‒SAP30 interaction but not the UHRF1‒DNMT1 binding, as indicated by the Co-IP...
-7082: SQL statement not allowed for this table type Use Explanation SQL statements for deleting or changing table rows or for changing table definitions are not permitted for this table type. User Response You cannot use this SQL statement. Was this page helpful? YesNoCopyright...
Former Member 2012 Jan 06 0 Kudos Hi Binson, Thanks for your reply! I do see an entry in the USREXTID table with the following values. EXTID: SharePoint::<domain>\<username> BNAME: <gateway user id> ISSUERH: 4487FC7D62411EE0BBD0D4ABA73BED6E Is there something which has ...
-25332: Error getting schema definition of table <table_name> (<SQL_error_text>) -25333: Error getting index definitions for table <table_name> (<SQL_error_text>) -25334: File counter for data file exceeded maximum value of 9999 -25335: Error restoring single table us...
CVLODeleteArchivedDMSTableEntries删除激活DMS制表项 CVREReadArchivedTables读取存档制表 OD12MaintainNumberRangeforVaults维护地下储存室的编号范 围 OD90RecordLayoutforBatchInput(Docs)批输入的记录布局( 文档) OD91DocumentDataTransfer文档数据传送 OD92DocumentBatchInputExampleFile文档批输入范例文件 ...