Be careful: The user and group names has to be entered excatly as specified in the correct uppercase an lowercase. Often this naming conventions conflicts with the requirements of the customer, but it is not possible to change the names of the users and groups, because all the upgrade and ...
2. Create the new field reference in the field control string. 3. Now use the field reference to control field selection. Note You must first create new field references in the IMG activityMaintain data screen field selection. Additional Information Conventions for field selection control Possible ...
SAP conventions
Especially they follow the same conventions regarding which parts of the XML data are converted to JSON objects and which are converted to JSON arrays. But is this possible in ABAP too? Are there general classes or function modules for that? I don't know and I didn't look. Instead I ...
Align Terminology: A ONE SAP approach to go with common naming conventions which are recognizable and familiar across all component areas. Critical Corrections: We needed a fix vehicle with a fast turnaround to replace the Limited Availability Fixes (LAFix) in XI3. We know the LAFix had its...
Platform Support Matrix CUSTOMER SAP Business One Document Version: 1.21 – 2017-08-23 SAP Business One Platform Support Matrix Release 9.0 and higher Typographic Conventions Type Style Description Example Words or characters quoted from the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbutton...
Platform Support Matrix SAP Business One Document Version: 1.36 – 2025-03-03 PUBLIC SAP Business One Platform Support Matrix Release 9.0 and higher Typographic Conventions Type Style Example Example EXAMPLE Example Example EXAMPLE Description Words or characters quoted from the screen. These include ...
JeevanSagar Active Contributor 2012 Dec 03 0 Kudos Create one production scheduling profile for each material group. Follow some conventions such as if the material group is GROUP1 create production scheduling profile name as GROUP1 also, that you have consistency. You must be a registere...
Due to the naming conventions of the HIERARCHY function's SOURCE specification, the existence of the projected source attributes NODE_ID and PARENT_ID can be taken for granted as well. In the case of the HIERARCHY_TEMPORAL generation function, this also applies to the VALID_FROM and VALID_...