Extract structure OLTP: DTFIGL_4 支持AIE增量提取 数据源内容如下: 项目中0FI_GL_4数据流如下: 标准0FI_GL_4提供到过账日期级别的借方和贷方金额,系统可以据此计算日均余额。时间戳粒度是精确到时分秒的。 DSO中设计如下(/BIC/开头的为自建对象): 三. 0FI_GL_6通过增量提取的总帐销售指标 0FI_GL_6 通...
I've checked my system and compared the DSO (custom that we use) to the standard DSO (0FIGL_O10) and it is a close match. We've been using this extractor since 2005 with no issues and the data extracted via the delta, it does balance back to the ERP system (checked on a regula...
In our ECC system in RSA7 there is an entry for 0FI_GL_14. When I dive into it and go to Delta Repetition there are no records. When I go to 0FI_GL_10 there are records ready to be extracted. So I am assuming GL_14 should also have records. My question is what process on ...
I was looking only at the data source level and compared a gl account with the same profit center, etc. Then there is a line item in 0fi_gl_14 which was not included in the total of 0fi_gl_10. Regards former_member194898 Active Contributor 2014 Oct 22 0 Kudos Which GL accou...
Hi, As I have seen in other threads that for FI_GL datasources, we have following base tables FI/GL Old:- Line item - BSEG Totals table - ge10 FI/GL New:- Line item -
Delta Process for Data Source 0FI_GL_10 Properties of Delta Process (Indicates Record Mode values) Data load in data target with delta processes: Delta Process Support Data Load into DSO or Cube?? ABR (After Image, Before Image) DSO and Cube ADD (Additive Image) DSO and Cube AIE (Af...
10. 在创建汇总 <名称>:标题屏幕中可使用以下附加功能:a. 要检查汇总是否存在格式错误,请选择快捷信息文本为检查的。有关详细信息,请参阅验证汇总。b. 要创建汇总序列,请选择汇总序列。可为每个汇总序列定义序列集。然而,还可以定义汇总使得汇总集对所有序列有效(请参阅汇总的集)。
1、SAP财务模块代码1.1 FI财务会计31.2 FI-GL总帐会计91.2.1 FI-GL-GL差不多功能101.2.2 FI-GL-IS信息系统131.3 FI-LC-LC差不多功能151.4 FI-AP-AP差不多功能221.5 FI-AR-AR差不多功能231.5.1 FI-AR-CR信贷?B理341.6 FI-AA-AA差不多功能351.6.1 FI-AA-AA-TR-TP转帐记帐431.6.2 FI-AA-SVA-HI...
BSEG 财务凭证行项目 BSIK, BSAK 分别是供应商(K)的未清已清项存放的表 BSIS, BSAS 分别是总...
为此,可在总账 (FI-GL) 中为每个科目表定义任意数量的财务报表版本(使用附加科目的方法)。此外,还可以选择使用定期过账将含有相同科目集的平行评估过账到不同的 分类账(使用并行分类账的方法)。● 您具有以外币计量的集团公司折旧范围,并且需要将 APC 值的更改从该范围过账到集团公司的分类账(请参阅下文)。