exception 2: no.70012012 (TrexNet/Responder.cpp:354) TID: 12345 host unknown; $TYPE$=Listen; $MESSAGE$=cannot bind to handle; $INFO$=host unknown; $PARAM$= f Service TrexService.cpp(00504) : FATAL: initialization of communication failed with exception exception 1: no.7001201...
消息号 00349 诊断 屏幕中不存在指定的字段。 步骤 请检查您的批输入数据。 解决: 缘故:字段状态组和记账码的字段状态设置的不一致 经检查,启用的业务范围,字段状态组没有将功能范围放出来。同时应检查记账码的字段状态 科目6598000034已经启用功能范围,检查其字段状态变式和记账码。 查BSEG表,字段FKBER为功能范围的...
customer fields, No forex rate diff when clearing in LC, Amount in document currency, Amount in Local currency, mussf,Derivation, incorrect function area, Profit center, Cost center, Segment, trading partner, Grace days, 00349, 00 349, F5080, F5 080, F5060, F5 060, F5063, F5 063, F5...
Message no. 00349 相关设置:费用科目的“功能范围”字段设置为“隐藏”(不应该向用户放开、设置为可...
Dear Asset experts, I tired batch input for F-92 (Asset Retimerment from sales with customer..). But I got error "00349" and was not able to perform it. So I
在这个充满竞争的时代,比我们优秀的人,往往比我们更加努力。因为他们明白只有通过不断地学习和进步,才能保持自己的竞争力,实现更大的目标。 我们今天分享的就业案例,来自SAP MM模块的刘学员,一位80后大哥,之前是成本经理,前几年工作的时候使...
https://doi.org/10.1007/s40171-023-00349-w Article Google Scholar Delic, M., & Eyers, D. R. (2020). The effect of additive manufacturing adoption on supply chain flexibility and performance: An empirical analysis from the automotive industry. International Journal of Production Economics, 228...
Solved: hi. I hav a BDC for PA30 transaction that is to run in background, The internal number range is set for creating PERNR. When i run the BDC in All screen mode it
I am receiving the following error in FBV0 when I highlight a parked vendor (Document Type KA ) document and click POST. Please advise! Field BSEG-BEWAR. does not exist in dynpro SAPMF05A 0332 Message no. 00349 Diagnosis The specified field does not exist on the screen. Procedure Chec...
消息号00349 诊断 屏幕中不存在指定的字段。 步骤 请检查您的批输入数据。 解决: 原因:字段状态组和记账码的字段状态设置的不一致 经检查,启用的业务范围,字段状态组没有将功能范围放出来。同时应检查记账码的字段状态 科目6598000034 已经启用功能范围,检查其字段状态变式和记账码。 查BSEG表,字段FKBER为功能范围的...