#SAP支持宝典# #SD#您在后台执行inbound vendor idoc (CREMAS)的时候,遇到错误代码 00344。但是在前台执行这个IDOC就不会遇到任何错误。这个问题该如何应对呢?请您参考KBA文章1952886寻求解决方案。http://t.cn...
Note 96312 - Data distribution: Error message 00344 Note 315362 - RFBIDE20: problem when transferring industries Customer enterprise resource planning fd15 fd16 sap erp financials 1 Comment An Unexpected Error has occurred. You must be a registered user to add a comment. If you've already reg...
专家们, 我正在尝试为事务FBCJ创建批处理输入记录,当我传输数据时,我收到错误消息编号。 00344:屏幕SAPMFCJ0 0100没有批输入数据。 我尝试使用Business Object方法将对象上载数据:BUS2023。 它可以正常工作,但我想在录制时上传数据。 有人尝试过吗? 请帮助我解决这个问题 谢谢。 举报 写回答 邀请回答 2条回答 ...
The user starts using program RFUMSV50 and it is necessary to customize tax accounts accordingly; The error "No batch input data for screen SAPMF05A 0300" (Message no. 00344) is raised; The error "No batch input data for screen SAPMF05A 0312" (Message no. 00344) is raised; Program ...
SAP系统用户操作手册-SD-V1.5(一)SD主数据 -北京科莱特信息技术有限公司 ERP项目 SAP系统用户操作手册销售与分销(SD) SD主数据说明: 1、不改变各部分对应字体、字号; 872、系统操作界面截屏中,标注符号从以下标识选取即可: 8 7 10987151413631211542 10 9 8 7 15 14 13 6 3 12 11 5 4 2 1 10 3、版本...
6. Enter neccesarry field. 7. Complete. Error message is as below. Case1: Process foreground Batch Input stopped No3 in above Scenario. Error Message is No batch input data for screen /SAPAPO/SAPLOO_TR_TLANE_MAINT 0100 Message no. 00344 ...
00344 Diagnosis The transaction sent a screen that was not expected in the batch input session and which therefore could not be supplied with data. Possible reasons: 1. The batch input session was created incorrectly. The sequence of screens was recordly incorrectly. 2. The transaction behaves ...
25、销售和分销 - 主数据 - 业务协作同伴 - 客户 - 创建 - 完成事务代码XD01栏位阐明参数43选择科目组Z00344录入客户内部给号,不用填写20020145录入销售组织110146录入分销渠道1047录入产品组1048录入参照客户可选10001049录入参照销售组织可选110150录入参照分销渠道可选1051录入参照产品组可选103.1录入内容,点击或回车...
[http://help.sap.com/saphelp_pco20/helpdata/en/46/a00344d44852b7e10000000a155369/frameset.htm] You can find some links for PCO & UDS [http://wiki.sdn.sap.com/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=163841050] Also search into previous threads you will found good links and disscussions for ...
SAP Managed Tags: FIN (Finance) Recurring entries are posted via a background job running SAPF120,. This generates a batch-input session REC_ENT_AUTO. Several hundred postings failed when the session was processed in background, with error 00344 u201CNo batch input data for screen SAPLKACB...