The meaning of SANTIAGO is city and capital of Chile in the central part of the country metropolitan area population 4,668,500.
Santiago Santiago, Chile. iStockphoto/Thinkstock Santiago: University of Chile University of Chile, Santiago, Chile. GameOfLight (CC-BY-3.0) (A Britannica Publishing Partner) smog A thick layer of smog hovering over Santiago, Chile. The mountains that confine the... © Bevanward/Dreams...
Santiago is your ultimate Guide to Santiago Chile - For Residents & Visitors. We have articles/reviews on restaurants, hotels, museums, and more!
Santiago, capital of Chile founded in 1541 , is located between the Mapocho and and Maipo rivers valleys, surrounded mountains : the Coast Range by the West , Chacabuco and Angostura mounts on the North and South respectively and the Andes range on the East. Santiago is chosen to house the...
智利首都圣地亚哥(西班牙语:Santiago de Chile),是智利的最大城市,南美洲第四大城市。圣地亚哥是一座拥有400多年历史的古城,人口730多万,由西班牙征服者佩德罗·德·巴尔迪维亚于1541年2月12日所建立。 智利首都圣地亚哥,武器广场(Plaza de armas )一角。
圣地亚哥 Santi..圣地亚哥是智利的首都和经济中心。 拥有众多的博物馆,活动,剧院,餐厅,酒吧以及其他娱乐和文化场所,它也是该国的政治和文化中心。 它在该国的中心位置使其成为游览其他地区的理想基地,并且可以在附近的安第斯
Chile是智利的英文名称,智利全称为智利共和国,西班牙语称为:República de Chile;英语称为:Republic of Chile。智利位于南美洲西南部,西濒太平洋,东倚安第斯山脉,南北延伸约4300公里,东西宽度平均180公里,最大宽度也只有400公里左右,国土狭长为世界仅有。面积约74.2万多平方公里。智利矿产资源丰富...
Santiago, región metropolitana, central Chile, bordering Argentina on the east, Valparaíso region on the north and west, and O’Higgins region on the south. Santiago, created a province in 1826 and a metropolitan region in 1974, is divided into the pro
8時46分06秒CLST 2024年12月4日星期三 Fullscreen Country:Chile Lat/Long:33°26'S / 70°39'W Elevation:576 m Currency:Chilean Peso (CLP) Languages:Spanish Country Code:+56 Holiday Note:12月8日 (日), Inmaculate Conception Day. Businesses may be closed.See more ...
This large, modern port serves Chile’s capital, Santiago, a city with Spanish colonial charm and a vivacious spirit. Encircled by the Andes and the Coastal Range, Santiago is centered around the Plaza de Armas, with several of the city’s landmarks: the 18th-century Metropolitan Cat...