Santiago de Compostelais usually filled with thousands of pilgrims who have walked a long way to reach it, and it offers an impressive atmosphere, enhanced by its beautiful architecture, museums, and cathedrals, as well as the colorful local bars and cafeterias. Whether you plan to adventure ont...
The best offer for car hire in Santiago de Compostela. Reserving a car in Santiago de Compostela has never been that easy
The Hergerts got up early to go to the pilgrims office to get their Compostela and then get in line for mass and avoid the really long waits. I decided to sleep in, I had already done the normal traditionsin 2005 and 2008 and I couldn't "legally" get a Compostela since I had misse...
With three walks left in my journey, I am feeling the powerful pull of Santiago de Compostela. All of the months of planning and preparation, as well as almost six weeks traveling through northern Spain step-by-step, are coming to a conclusion. I am excited for the finish line, and dyin...
Camino de Santiago Our journey from St Jean Pied de Port to Santiago de Compostela 20 Sept – 1 Nov 2016 [scroll down for links to each of the blog posts to follow our journey in detail] There is something undeniably special about walking the Camino de Santiago. As one of the great med...
Twice, we have stayed at Monto do Gozo, where we were allowed three days. But in 2015, it had been turned into a homeless shelter. We never saw homelessness in Santiago de Compostela, but friends showed us their favorite Albergue Acuario on the way into town and near the bus station an...
陈述式现在完成时/我准备了一场聚会 He preparado una fiesta. 副动词/我正在喝咖啡 Estoy tomando un café. 前置词/Santiago de Compostela在西班牙北部 Santiago de Compostela está en el norte de España 副词/我们悠闲地逛一逛格拉纳达吧 Paseamos por Granada tranquilamente. 代词式动词/Paloma和Andrés彼...
欧那教育西班牙语N2-核心课程培训课程,前置词/Santiago de Compostela在西班牙北部,本节课我们将“走访圣地亚哥之路”,学习西班牙语里面经常被大家忽略的一类词:前置词。它不像动词那样需要记很多变位,也不需要像形容词那样去变化阴阳性。看似没有难度,但是在表示时间、
陈述式现在完成时/我准备了一场聚会 He preparado una fiesta. 副动词/我正在喝咖啡 Estoy tomando un café. 前置词/Santiago de Compostela在西班牙北部 Santiago de Compostela está en el norte de España 副词/我们悠闲地逛一逛格拉纳达吧 Paseamos por Granada tranquilamente. 代词式动词/Paloma和Andrés彼...
陈述式现在完成时/我准备了一场聚会 He preparado una fiesta. 副动词/我正在喝咖啡 Estoy tomando un café. 前置词/Santiago de Compostela在西班牙北部 Santiago de Compostela está en el norte de España 副词/我们悠闲地逛一逛格拉纳达吧 Paseamos por Granada tranquilamente. 代词式动词/Paloma和Andrés彼...