朝圣之路(El Camino de Santiago)是一条几百年来欧洲很重要的朝圣路线,有多条从法国、葡萄牙、西班牙内等通向西班牙的Santiago de Compostela。最著名的Camino Frances全长~800km 从法国南部穿越整个西班牙北部到Santiago。之所以要来朝圣是因为Santiago的Catedral下面埋葬了耶稣12门徒中的Saint James,是基督教非常重要的圣...
Compostela这个词的来源就是campo + estrella的组合,也就是“有星星的田野”的意思,传说当年使徒圣地亚哥的尸体被运到这里的时候,拉着尸体的牛停了下来,他的尸体也就被埋葬在了这篇有星星的土地上。现在欧洲有天主教信仰的人们还来这条路上进行朝拜,有的甚至年年都来走一走。 02圣地亚哥之路的“今生” 圣地亚哥...
在进入 Santiago de Compostela 老城区的石板路上,用各国语言写着歌德的话, “欧洲是诞生在朝圣之路上...
El Camino de Santiago的意思是圣地亚哥之路,从法国南部通往西班牙加利西亚的圣城Santiago de Compostela,是中世纪欧洲基督徒的朝圣之路~ 阿尔方索:圣母玛丽亚歌曲集(Alfonso:Cantigas de Santa Maria) 萨比•阿尔方索(El Sabio Alfonso),1221年生于托莱多,1284年卒于塞维利亚,西班牙王费迪南德三世之子,1252-1284年曾为卡...
德·孔波斯特拉(Santiago de Compostela,简称圣地亚哥),也就是现在朝圣之路的终点。
行走34天800公里——圣地亚哥朝圣之路 El Camino de Santiago(St. Jean Pied de Port - Santiago de Compostela) 来自: Yiren-ioioioi 2013-01-27 03:07:54 一切的一切都始于一部电影,然后结束于一部电影。直到旅行已经结束了两个月之后,在这个不怎么冷的夜里,因为喝了太多的普洱茶而难以入睡。此时此刻的我,...
We were a group of 12 from Singapore and Australia who went on the Camino pilgrimage from Saria to Compostela de Santiago in October 2023. Everything was arranged perfectly by Walks in Spain. Our contact was Paul. But we never got to meet him personally because all the logistics went ...
Santiago de Compostela, Santiago 名词 m Santiago de Compostela Santiago de Compostela Santiago de Compostela Santiago 参见: camino Santiago Apóstol, Santiago el Mayor 名词 m Santiago Apóstol St James (the Greater) Camino de Santiago 名词 m el Camino de Santiago 历史, 宗教 the pilgrims' route...
by hundreds of thousands of adventurers and seekers of God. The numerous Camino (path, or journey) routes sprawl across Europe into the outer reaches of Spain, all concluding in the final resting place of the remains of the biblical apostle Saint James, the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela...
This camino journey can be completed in a mere 118 km stretch, winding through the beautiful landscapes of northern Spain from Ferrol or A Coruña to the sacred city of Santiago de Compostela. This journey takes about 5 or 6 days, making it one of the shorter yet spiritually enriching ...