From our Easy Access ISA to Fixed Rate ISAs, we have a range which could suit your needs. Explore ISAs Santander Edge credit card Got a personal current account with us? Earn up to £15 a month cashback by spending on our Edge credit card. ...
Accountname1I2I3 YearFixedRateISA Interestrates (AERs) Term Amount deposited AERtax ree(fxed) AERbasedon unds depositedby Maturitydate Years£ + . % . . * . . Minimumopeningbalanceo £ applies.Youcanopentheaccountwithazerobalancei youaretrans erringinexisting ...
The Edge Saver pays a 6% AER interest rate, but that contains a 1.5% bonus for 12 months, so it’ll drop to 4.5% after a year (though as the rate is variable it could go up or down in this time). Note if you applied for the account in the 12 months before 1 August 2024 you...