必应词典为您提供Santa-Monica-Third-Street-Promenade的释义,网络释义: 第三慢步街;圣莫尼卡第三慢步街;圣莫尼卡第三街长廊;
圣莫尼卡的第三漫步街(Santa Monica Third Street Promenade)顾名思义,是一条为散步而生的小街。街道两旁有许多温馨浪漫的咖啡厅,电影院和新奇的小商店,每一个角落都装饰得十分精巧。不管是平日还是周末,街上的民间艺人都络绎不绝,偶尔还会有一些乐器大师来此当街献技。#文艺范儿# ...
Consideration of how performers interact through basic infrastructure technology with the City – using Santa Monica's open-air shopping and pedestrian corridor, Third Street Promenade, as one successful model – suggests how cities may still pursue a utopian notion of public performance in this ever...
Santa Monica Pier 是美国66号公路的尽头,成为洛杉矶标志性的地点。《铁达尼号》、《阿甘正传》、《加州大地震》都曾在这里取景。 想要体验洛杉矶的浪漫,了解洛杉矶的街头文化,必须来一次Santa Monica。 Things to Do Third Street Promenade 这里是绝对的购物天堂和街头艺术体验街,各式各样的店铺,各种类型的街头表演者...
所需時間為50分鐘。也可洛杉磯國際機場乘3號 BigBlue Bus(大藍巴士)。 地址:1351 3rd Street Promenade., Santa Monica, CA 90401地圖導航 营业时间: 10:00am至09:00pm 电话:+1 (310)393 835 网址:http://downtownsm.com 圖片來源:Yelp用戶
Retailin Santa Monica’s mainshoppingdrag is set to get a new look in the wake of thecoronaviruspandemic under an evolving plan with a modest budget. The Third Street Promenade, a draw for tourists inLos Angeles’ largest beach city since it opened in its current iteration in the late 1980...
Third Street Promenade A visit to the Third Street Promenade (website) in Santa Monica is more than a shopping experience. You'll stroll down the middle of a street that was closed to vehicular traffic years ago. Now pedestrians rule the road, at least within this three block stretch ...
圣莫尼卡市中心位于威尔希尔大道(Wilshire Blvd.)以南,构成圣塔莫尼卡市区的街道是威尔希尔大道,亚利桑那大道(Arizona Avenue),圣塔莫尼卡大道(Santa Monica Blvd.),百老汇(Broadway)和科罗拉多大道(Colorado Avenue),从第二街到第十四街。第三街长廊(The Third Street Promenade)和圣塔莫尼卡广场(Santa Monica Place)也是...
圣塔莫尼卡码头(Santa Monica Pier)总是忙碌的,66号公路在这里走到尽头,高大的摩天轮承载着欢声笑语,露天的Third Street Promenade购物街充满活力,一切都温馨而又浪漫! http://t.cn/8sfaii8