人均: 369 元口味: 9.1环境: 8.9服务: 8.9 地址: 1000 Wilshire Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 90401, United States 电话:+1-310-39352** 更多信息 写评价 网友评价(153) 全部图片(127)好评(142)中评(9)差评(2) 爱吃还要多吃 人均:155元 在Getty游览完,打车来这里吃东西,然后去圣莫妮卡海滩。
今天专业超市设计公司——众派思商业设计分享一家美国加利福尼亚州超市设计。圣塔莫尼卡海鲜公司(Santa Monica Seafood)是一家传奇品牌,在南加州的悠久历史可追溯到数十年前。新的商店和咖啡馆体验在微妙而又重叠的层次上讲述了圣塔莫尼卡海鲜的故事。利用从原快餐店改建的后方入口优势,不利的入口隧道变成了一个走廊...
1939年在圣莫尼卡海边建立起的Santa Monica Seafood家族品牌经久不衰,成为圣莫尼卡最具人气的海鲜超市,不仅可以在偌大的冷藏展示柜近距离挑选各类海鲜,还可以到一旁的餐厅享受美味,生蚝、龙虾、帝王蟹或是三文鱼都是整个洛杉矶最新鲜的,物美价廉,除此之外还有各种三明治、沙拉,葡萄酒、啤酒也是应有尽有。这里的存在对于生...
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santa monica seafood,推荐一家#圣莫妮卡# 海鲜餐厅,喜欢吃海鲜绝对不能错过,特别新鲜!加工很好,价格合理,口味非常赞[赞]一定不要错过~#洛杉矶# 地址: 1000 Wilshire Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 90401, Unit...
“still direct to the source,” said Michael Cigliano. “We don’t buy from other wholesalers…The fact that we have a market is because we have distribution behind us.” Santa Monica Seafood provides seafood to restaurants and hotels as far ranging as Las Vegas, Phoenix/Scottsdale, Mammoth,...
Since 1939 Santa Monica Seafood has operated a retail store in Santa Monica, California. Our current location on the southeast corner of Wilshire Boulevard and 10th Street in Santa Monica features: • More than 60 linear feet of state-of-the-art seafood refrigerated cases, which main...
Experience the iconic Lobster seafood restaurant at the Santa Monica Pier, offering delicious seafood and American cuisine. Enjoy ocean view dining with 190 degree views of the Pacific Ocean, Pier, and Malibu coastline—a must-visit for fine dining en
If you’re looking to buy seafood online, Santa Monica Seafood Dock Direct delivers responsibly sourced premium seafood with attention to safety and your complete satisfaction. We are committed to maintaining our tradition and safeguarding our oceans. ...
圣莫尼卡Santa Monica Seafood旅游图库,携程攻略社区! 汇集了圣莫尼卡Santa Monica Seafood旅游驴友的精选上传旅游照片、景点照片、风景图片、图库、相册,记录圣莫尼卡Santa Monica Seafood旅游行程中的名胜景点、风土人情等旅游景点照片。