‣ 在 Santa Monica Pier 玩过山车 & 打卡66号公路标志牌by Venti Views | Matthew LeJuneSanta Monica Pier 上的游乐场叫 Pacfic Park 免费入场,项目单独付费,也有50美金的通票 营业时间:11/12am - 7/8/9/10pm,具体见这里by Maria Jesus Errazuriz...
每年,圣莫尼卡海滩都会举办各种年度节日,庆祝从艺术到音乐和美食的方方面面。其中一大亮点是圣莫尼卡音乐节 (Santa Monica Music Festival),当地艺术家在这里表演,海滩上摆满了美食卡车,提供令人垂涎的美食。另一个最受欢迎的是Sundown Cinema,您可以在星空下欣赏经典电影,并配有爆米花和毯子。这些活动非常...
Open year-round, Santa Monica Pier is a must visit for iconic Santa Monica adventures, experiences, dining, history and more. Find information on Santa Monica Pier parking, directions and activities and discover the top things to do around Santa Monica P
No.1 🌇 Santa Monica Pier 位于Santa Monica 山附近圣莫妮卡码头⛵️的日落真的太美了!当太阳落日时,天空和海洋在地平线融为一体~ 📍200 Santa Monica Pier, Santa Monica No.2 🌇Griffith Observatory 在好莱坞山顶上的格里菲斯天文台也是LA绝美的全景日落🌄观赏地~沿着小径蜿蜒而上感受落日 📍2800...
圣塔莫尼卡 (英语:Santa Monica) 是美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶县的一個城市,位于太平洋沿岸,洛杉矶市以西,是一個度假胜地和住宅区。2008年人 口87,664人。其海滩位著名海岸景点,沙滩上有一座码头延伸到海里,码头方有一座游乐园,园內有摩天轮、云霄飞车等设施。码头可
Discover the official destination hub for Santa Monica, California. Explore must-visit spots and activities, ensuring your Santa Monica adventure is nothing short of spectacular. Uncover all Santa Monica has to offer, from stunning beaches to vibrant cul
The Santa Monica Pier hosts events year-round so when planning your weekend in Santa Monica or looking for things to do on the West Side of Los Angeles, be sure to check our calendar of events for Santa Monica.Learn more about seasonal celebrations and annual events here. ...
4 5 0 1 2 5 6 7 santa monica总有它的魅力 魔都傻小囡 1 半月湾、蒙特雷小镇、17英里湾、卡梅尔小镇、圣莫妮卡海滩 Mis兔兔_ 7 马里布海滩,打卡当地网红店,排队吃龙虾卷 一群羊 3 今天的圣塔莫妮卡海滩~没来得及在这里欣赏落日 米老师还在吃
The Santa Monica Pier offers a cornucopia of activities for visitors of all ages.Thrill-seekerscan revel in rides like theWest Coasterand thePacific Wheel, test their skills atcarnival games, and savor delicioustreatsatPacific Park. Don’t forget to snag aseashell necklacefrom one of the charming...
Santa Monica police and firefighters already spent some well-publicized hours on the Santa Monica Pier this week when a man scaled the Ferris wheel while allegedly claiming to have a bomb, but they'll return to the renowned tourist destination Thurs