Anchoring the Westside of Los Angeles County, Santa Monica is a beachfront city popular with tourists for its expansive beach and its famous pier, which are among the most popular coastal attractions in Southern California.
Average rent rates in Santa Monica are $1,900, compared to a national average of $949 per month.Santa Monica crime map The Santa Monica crime map provides a detailed overview of all crimes in Santa Monica as reported by the local law enforcement agencies. Based on the color coded legend...
Santa Monica Mountains, CA, USA Latitude:34.120285Longitude:-118.931763 Antipode:-34.120285 , 61.068237 Sunrise:14:31 GMTSunset:01:46 GMT Daylight:11 h 14 m 49 sSolar noon:20:9 GMT Export:Add to Cart-Show Cart Near spots: NameCountryFeatureLatitudeLongitudeDist. (km)Dist. (mi)BearingDirectio...
Downtown Santa Monica metro station Metro lines via Downtown Santa Monica E Line (Atlantic - Downtown Santa Monica) Map
Santa Monica, city, Los Angeles county, southern California, U.S. Lying on Santa Monica Bay, it is surrounded by the city of Los Angeles. Santa Monica was laid out in 1875 by Senator John P. Jones and named for Las Lágrimas de Santa Monica (Spanish: “T
Located steps away from the Pacific Ocean in Downtown Santa Monica and adjacent to Third Street Promenade, the unique, tri-level, all-outdoor Santa Monica Place is home to a variety of stores, including many luxury retailers. Popular brands include Nords
Thursday7:00AM - 8:00PM Friday7:00AM - 8:00PM Saturday8:00AM - 7:00PM Sunday10:00AM - 7:00PM See All Department Hours Visit us at: 1501 Santa Monica Blvd Santa Monica, CA 90404 Loading Map... Your California Privacy Choices...
Whether you want to switch out your model to a Subaru Outback or need some maintenance taken care of, choose Subaru Santa Monica for all your needs.
Santa MonicaAnchoring the Westside of Los Angeles County, Santa Monica is a beachfront city popular with tourists for its expansive beach and its famous pier, which are among the most popular coastal attractions in Southern California.Map Directions Satellite Photo Map...
© OpenStreetMap, Mapbox and MaxarAlternative NamesSanta Monica Other Places Named Santa MónicaSanta MonicaLos Angeles, United States Santa MonicaQuarter in Calabarzon, Philippines Santa MonicaNeighborhood in Puerto Princesa, Philippines Santa MonicaVillage in Rimini, Italy Santa Monica (Sapao)Locality...