Super Chief是一列火车的名字,是当年Santa Fe(此Santa Fe非彼Santa Fe,别往hyundai那儿想)的旗舰列车。横穿美国大陆,从芝加哥到洛杉矶,是最早的内燃卧铺列车。应该在米国人眼中是个很有地位的一列火车。 更多的就不说了,这上面有完整的解释 这个就是火车原型 下面介绍的这个就是依照这个火车头设计的乐高10020,2002...
Announces the restoration of Santa Fe No. 3751 train that runs through the Tehachapi Pass in California by San Bernardino Railroad Historical Society. Factors which contributed to the restoration of the locomotive; List ...
Santa Fe 3751 Move To And From Railfair'99 COVERAGE OF THIS EVENT WAS PROVIDED FROM THE TRAIN! The TrainWeb staff traveled in the Santa Fe 3751 Train roundtrip from Los Angeles to Railfair'99 in Sacramento, California and back, June 13 through June 30, 1999! The reports, photos and ...
It’s time for the Santa Express Train! All aboard our NEW Santa Express Train holiday locomotive, which leads the train through the Royal Gorge to the North Pole and back. It’s an absolute holiday masterpiece and delights children of all ages!
In 1990, the Santa Fe Railway christened its armada of high-speed priority intermodal trains as the “Super Fleet,” and reintroduced the railroad’s magnificent and legendary “Warbonnet” red-and-silver livery. To power the Super Fleet, AT&SF ordered new locomotives from Electro-Motive and...
Santa Fe Classic Pack 01 brings to life the memorable AT&SF of the 1960s and 1950s with a rich selection of six notable and authentic diesel locomotive types, the Santa Fe’s unique and magnificent El Capitan Hi-Level passenger train, a dozen types of freight equipment including ...
Stuntman Bob Morgan doubles for Randolph Scott for the fight on the train with stuntman Jock Mahoney playing a henchman.However Morgan expressed concern at falling from the train so Mahoney switched places with him and now doubled Scott while Morgan doubled Mahoney.The incident is particularly ir...
★★★ Santa Fe 3751 Steam Locomotive - ATSF Santa Fe 3751 Steam Locomotive Many photos, video clips, and reports of the Santa Fe 3751 Steam Locomotive including 8 days of riding round-trip behind the engine from Los Angeles to Railfair'...
SANTA FE 3751 OVER TAKING AN ESPEE TRAIN AT DEVORE CALIFORNIA The Santa Fe 3751 Over Cajon Passis an add-on release for use with ourCajon Pass Routeand Microsoft®Train Simulator. Installation is a breeze, just place the cd in your computer, and the auto install setup program will have ...
The fresh engine was backed on to the main line just ahead of a crossover before which the special train would stop. The old locomotive was cut out and was run over to a siding, the new one being coupled on without delay. The fastest change-over took eighty seconds. TRANS-CONTINENTAL ...