For more information, please email Camp in the Beautiful Redwoods Santa Cruz Redwoods RV Resort is nestled in the California redwoods of the Santa Cruz Mountains. Situated on the beautiful San Lorenzo River and backed by Henry Cowell State Park, our clean and...
Hop aboard to explore the Santa Cruz Mountains and the mighty Redwood Forest on a steam locomotive at the Roaring Camp in Felton. How the forest came to be, its vegetation and wildlife, and a veritable history lesson on the old logging railroad illuminate a one-hour ride through one of nat...
> 清晨从湾区出发 > 乘坐森林蒸汽小火车(车票42.35美金,全程75分钟),也可以单纯徒步看红杉(约需30分钟,停车费10美金) >在 Santa Cruz 市区吃午餐,然后去游乐场Beach Boardwalk(门票免费,项目收费,可安排1-3小时) > 返程时去Shark Fin Cove看海景(免费,可安排30分钟) > 回家,感恩平常但幸福的一天 >> 选去 ...
An ideal place to discover Santa Cruz at its most peaceful, providing guests ample opportunity to lounge and relax in wide open spaces amidst lush green landscaping. Breathe in the fresh ocean air as you walk along our Redwood-lined hiking trails. Immaculate golf courses, sandy beaches, and ...
关于“Byington Chardonnay Santa Cruz Mountains Redwood Hill Vineyard ”的酒款综述 本酒款产区资料ABOUT REGION 加利福尼亚州(California)加利福尼亚州占据了美国西海岸2/3的面积。该州跨越10个纬度,地形和气候十分复杂,因此其葡萄种植区域的风土条件也十分多样。加州目前有超过1,730平方公里的葡萄种植面积,葡萄园...
Home Tour Launch Party @ Santa Cruz Civic Auditorium First Friday with Santa Cruz Shakespeare @ Hotel Paradox Watsonville Farmers Market @ Downtown Watsonville Redwood Grove Loop Walk @ Big Basin Redwoods State Park Want to see all the best events in Santa Cruz every weekend?Click hereto get the...
Redwood Croft Bed & Breakfast 275 Northwest Drive, Santa Cruz, 831-458-1939, “European style with an artist’s eye and a grandmother’s heart,” is the way owner Sitah Cummings describes her inn. Pets and children are welcome in this cedar home with wrap-arou...
Nestled in the beautiful Santa Cruz Mountains along the California Coast, Redwood Christian Park not only offers an escape among the forest but easy access to hiking trails, bike trails, quaint towns and beautiful beaches. Clickhereto learn more about our area!
Iglesia De La Santa Cruz天气预报 2025年02月18日 Tuesday 农历一月廿一00:26天气实况查看景点旅游详情 13°C7℃/14℃ 晴东北风 微风 风向情况:东北风 风力等级:微风 总降水量:0.0mm 相对湿度:89% 日出时间:8:15 日落时间:18:5236小时天气预报00:14发布 今天夜间7℃多云西南风 微风 明天白天18℃多云...
Stephens SL, Fry DL (2005) Fire history in coast redwood stands in the northeastern Santa Cruz Mountains, California. Fire Ecol 1(1):1–19Stephens SL, Fry DL (2005). Fire history in coast redwood stands in the Northeastern Santa Cruz Mountains, California. Fire Ecology, 1, 2-19....