Shop Santa Cruz at evo. Best selection, authentic reviews, and helpful humans. Enjoy Fast FREE SHIPPING on qualifying orders and our Lowest Price Guarantee.
在山地自行车领域,Santa Cruz Hightower 一直以其卓越的全能性能吸引着众人的目光。如今,全新第四代 Santa Cruz Hightower 闪亮登场,不仅继承了2016年初代车型的全能精神,更在2025年迎来了重大革新,为骑行者们带来了前所未有的骑行体验。这款新车依然选用29英寸的大轮径设计,显得气势磅礴。其后悬架行程被大幅增加至...
Shop Santa Cruz Bike at evo. Best selection, authentic reviews, and helpful humans. Enjoy Fast FREE SHIPPING on qualifying orders and our Lowest Price Guarantee.
Hightower在所有越野路面上都能很好地发挥作用,与上一代相比,后避震前端40%时行程反作用力减少,有效减少链条与避震相互干涉,对于骑行中的踩踏效率与车身控制有很大帮助。搭载全新的Glovebox手套箱收纳系统,更加便携! 让我们横置屏幕查看更多细节! 详细请联系镇洋兄弟单车有限公司,更多资讯请关注“深圳市镇洋兄弟单车有限...
Hightower Shop Now The mountain bike, distilled Big on wheels, medium on travel, short on fuss, this is the do-it-all bike that does it over and over again thanks to a versatile balance of geo, spec and durability. If you’re not looking for extremes, just something extremely good, ...
Santa Cruz发布全新第三代Hightower[给力]技术信息: -最大兼容29x2.5外胎 - Boost 148mm间距 - 可兼容180mm碟片 - ISCG05稳链器 - 螺纹BB - SantaCruz UDH尾勾 - GloveBox手套箱 - IS碗组更多新品信息请看以...
3 -- 1:10简介领红包+优惠券【10元券】Santa Cruz山地车hightower C S 新款超轻碳纤维全避震缓冲越野平把越野单车 Gloss OceDJ马丁 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多1655 2 4:06 App 关于攀山鼠Klattermusen的6个冷知识 42万 128 2:05 App Make 平板 Great Again!平板串流电脑轮椅级教程...
Hightower Peak to valley and back again. Big on wheels, short on fuss, this is the pinnacle of go-anywhere-anytime bikes. A balance of travel, wheel size and attitude makes this a true MTB for modern mountain biking. Whether that includes the rarefied air of the alpine or just local ...
【新品发布】SANTACRUZ发售2023款全新 HIGHTOWER(内含售价) 自诞生以来,Hightower一直是一款无所不能的越野自行车。Hightower比它的兄弟Megatower更具机动性,并且比Tallboy更适合在陡峭的地方行驶。Hightower在路线的选择上基本覆盖了所有的林道类型。VPP悬架的下部连杆安装减震器创造了一个近乎线性的杠杆曲线,这意味着它可以...