The Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds is part of the 14th District Agricultural Association and home of the County Fair with event center rentals for weddings, quinceañeras, concerts and horse shows.
西南方 圣克鲁斯县(Santa Cruz County)西方 圣马特奥县(San Mateo County)北方 阿拉米达县(Alameda County)东方 斯坦尼斯劳斯县(Stanislaus County)东南方 默塞德县(Merced County)国家保护区 唐爱德华兹旧金山湾国家野生动物保护区有一部分在圣克拉拉县内。交通设施 高速公路与快速公路 圣克拉拉县拥有一个规模...
Visit Santa Cruz County 水街303 号100 号套房95060 圣克鲁斯县 圣克鲁斯县:红杉与大海交汇的地方!雄伟的森林、阳光普照的海滩和连绵起伏的葡萄园为富有成效、充满活力的会议、培训、研讨会等定下了基调。 圣克鲁斯县位于加利福尼亚中央海岸的北端和硅谷的南部边缘,交通便利,为您的下一次活动提供各种美丽...
Great Fall Hikes in and around Santa Cruz The Land Trust of Santa Cruz County has... A Monumental Morning at Cotoni-Coast Dairies A tour of the Cotoni-Coast Dairies National... Santa Cruz Pump Tracks Bring Mountain Biking to the City These parks let MTB... Two Great Kid-Friendly Hike...
雪球为您提供SANTA CRUZ COUNTY(SCZC)股票实时行情,资金流向,新闻资讯,研究报告,社区互动,交易信息,个股点评,公告,财务指标分析等与SANTA CRUZ COUNTY(SCZC)股票相关的信息与服务.
圣克鲁斯县 目的地 景点 酒店 餐馆 游记等圣克鲁斯县 Santa Cruz County景点 酒店 美食林 购物 跟团游 当地活动 自由行 周边游当地热门 景点 美食 购物 Patagonia Lake State Park 暂无评分 Tubac Presidio State Historic Park 暂无评分 Garden Canyon 暂无评分 Canelo Hills Vineyard & Winery 暂无评分 Rune Wines ...
Santa Cruz Mountain 产区: 美国USA>加利福尼亚州 California 酿酒葡萄: 梅洛 风味特征: 均衡 凝练 果香浓郁 强劲有力 紫色 醇厚 华丽 富有层次感 如天鹅绒般柔顺 酒款年份: 1991年 国内市场参考价: ¥暂无价格信息 酒款综述OVERVIEW 关于“Santa Cruz Mountain Vineyard Merlot, Santa Cruz County, USA ”的...
P roperty restoration in Santa Cruz County: Santa Cruz County is located along the beautiful Pacific Ocean in California. The coastline, including Aptos, and Capitola are part of the Monterey Peninsula and are known for its coastal surfing community. The economy is primarily based upon tourism ...
County of Santa CruzChildren And Family Futures