They frolic in the snow, take a reindeer sleigh ride, sip a cocktail in an ice bar or even meet Saint Nick himself in the capital of Finnish Lapland, Rovaniemi, which happily calls itself the “official hometown of Santa Claus." The Santa Claus Village ...
Santa Claus Village Theme park Photo: Ulla, Public domain. Santa Claus Village is an amusement park in Rovaniemi in the Lapland region of Finland. It was opened in 1985. Santa Claus Village is situated 2 km east of Santa Park.Rovaniemi Airport Aerodrome Photo: Siipikarja, CC BY-SA 3.0...
提示:地址:Santa Claus Village Rovanimi 民俗村 古镇古村 度假村 游玩时间: 建议1天 电话: +47-358-16362007 官方网站: 开放时间: 1月8日-5月31日、9月1日-11月30日10:00-17:00,6月1日-8月31日9:00-18:00,12月1日-1月7日9:00-19:00...
🎄圣诞老人村(Santa Claus Village),位于芬兰的拉普兰地区罗瓦涅米(Rovaniemi)以北8公里处的北极圈上,地图上标有66°32' 35" 字样的白色标线就是北极圈的纬度。你可以去见北极圈最正宗的圣诞老人,也可以在冰天雪地骑驯鹿雪橇,感受这一份来自北欧的异国风情,过一个不一样的冬天!
圣诞老人村(Santa Claus Village),位于芬兰的拉普兰地区罗瓦涅米(Rovaniemi)以北8公里处的北极圈上,地图上标有66°32' 35" 字样的白色标线就是北极圈的纬度。每年源源不断的游客从世界各地涌向这里,...
小学教育英语阅读理解你知道圣诞老人(Santa Claus)的家在哪里吗?听说,他的家在很远很远的北方,那是一个叫罗瓦涅米的童话世界,那里白雪皑皑,冰清玉洁。圣诞老人村位于罗瓦涅米以北8千米处的北极图上。下面,我们就跟随Jenny去一睹圣诞老人的风采吧!英语大王ByJenny...
Santa Claus Village offers unforgettable experiences and presents Finnish culture to local and international visitors. The visitors can enjoy an authentic Christmas atmosphere, interactive theater performances, entertainment programs in the village. The theme park, part of the Green Hills Resort complex, ...
Santa Claus Village 最美童年梦,最纯北欧风 首页 全部景点 圣诞老人村 到芬兰的圣诞老人大本营与他聊聊天,各种特色纪念品让人买到手软。 圣诞老人村位于芬兰拉普兰地区,罗瓦涅米以北8公里处的北极圈上,是一组尖顶木建筑群,包含圣诞老人办公室、邮局、驯鹿园、餐厅及礼品店。欣赏雪中村落美景的同时,游人还可得到一...
The Santa Claus Village theme park, which attracts more than 600,000 people annually, is especially popular during the holiday season. “This is like my dream came true,” beamed Polish visitor Elzbieta Nazaruk. “I’m really excited to be here.” ...
Meet Santa Claus and his cheerful elves in Santa Claus Office at the Arctic Circle in Rovaniemi, Lapland, Finland - Free entrance, Open daily