On Christmas eve, it’s believed that Santa Claus piles toys on his sleigh and flies around the world. Click for more facts or worksheets.
Discover the history and origins of Santa Claus, also known as St. Nick or Kris Kringle. Explore the story of Santa Claus and the Christmas...
So let’s get started and learn some amazing facts about Santa Claus! 1. Santa Claus has lots of different names Santa Claus has lots of different names! In the UK, he’s also known as Father Christmas – or even just Santa. But in other countries he goes by different names. In the...
Santa Claus is a legendary figure who is the traditional patron of Christmas in the United States and other countries, bringing gifts to children. His popular image is based on traditions associated with Saint Nicholas, a 4th-century Christian saint. Fat
The Week Staff, “The History of Santa Claus: 7 Interesting Facts,” theweek.com, Dec. 23, 2011 Francis Church, “Is There a Santa Claus?”, The New York Sun, Sep. 21, 1897 North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), Dec. 2014 Dean Burnett, “Santa Claus Deniers: Why Do The...
Santa Claus—otherwise known as Saint Nicholas or Kris Kringle—has a long history steeped in Christmas traditions. Today, he is thought of as the jolly man in red who brings toys to good girls and boys on Christmas Eve, but his story stretches all the w
10. Santa Claus The Dutch Sinterklaas was transformed bit by bit into the Americana version of Santa Claus (Anglicized name and all) that people recognize today. The writer Washington Irving called Saint Nicholas the patron saint of New York in The History of New York, and the minister Cle...
Martie Zad
Santa Claus is comin' to townThen kids in Girl and Boy land will have a jubileeThey're gonna build a Toyland all around the Christmas treeSo! You better watch out, you better not cryBetter not pout, I'm telling you whySanta Claus is comin' to town...
24+ Surprising Facts About Christmas (How Many Do You Know?) Historians date the first 'Christmas' celebrations back to 336 C.E. in ancient Rome. In its thousand-plus years of history, the holiday has evolved into a celebration with unique traditions and cultural significance across the globe...