000 to support the burn unit at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center. “This money we raised will affect and save many lives, and we did it with a smile,” said Michael Van Every, the president of Republic Urban Properties, who suffered severe burns as a child and received life-saving ...
Minutes from the Santa Clara Convention Center, Levis Stadium and all the tech titans, the guest stay experience is attractive and welcoming at every turn. The suites and amenities meet and exceed the expectations of the frequent traveler.
佛蒂诺酒庄(Fortino Winery)佛蒂诺酒庄(Fortino Winery)坐落于美国加利福尼亚州(California)产区内的圣克拉拉谷(Santa Clara Valley),是一座风格独特的家庭式小酒庄。 1970年,厄尼斯特·佛蒂诺(Ernest Fortino)和玛丽·佛蒂诺(Marie Fortino)在加州买下了一小片葡萄园,园内最老的葡萄树是在1930年左右种下的。厄...
Explore all Santa Clara Valley (Cupertino), California, United States jobs at Apple. Create a profile and apply today.
Santa Clara Valley Koi and Water Garden Club is a non-profit organization that promotes and educates the public about the hobbies of Koi keeping, water gardening, and DYI aquaponics. We also assist with Koi fish rescue and relocation.
佛蒂诺酒庄(Fortino Winery)佛蒂诺酒庄(Fortino Winery)坐落于美国加利福尼亚州(California)产区内的圣克拉拉谷(Santa Clara Valley),是一座风格独特的家庭式小酒庄。 1970年,厄尼斯特·佛蒂诺(Ernest Fortino)和玛丽·佛蒂诺(Marie Fortino)在加州买下了一小片葡萄园,园内最老的葡萄树是在1930年左右种下的。厄...
Santa Clara Town Centre4.49公里 Target4.51公里 Cherry Orchard Shopping Center5.13公里 Cala Center6.36公里 Franklin Square5.28公里 HomeGoods379 米 Namaste Plaza1.42公里 新永源超市1.72公里 BoLee Bridal Couture1.08公里 Costco Food Court1.89公里 Western Pacific Filipino Grocery1.9公里 ...
【Santa Clara Valley Healthcare病人可寻求医疗费用减免】圣塔克拉拉谷医疗保健公司(Santa Clara Valley Healthcare)被指控向贫困患者收取本应免费获得的医疗费用的违规操作。该县昨天表示,已开始通知本应有...
Santa Clara Town Centre2.29公里 Target2.28公里 Westfield Valley Fair Shopping Center3.15公里 梅西百货(圣克拉拉市山谷市集店)3.3公里 塔吉特超市3.14公里 博洛茗百货(圣何塞店)3.16公里 New India Bazar2.44公里 Trader Joe's2.63公里 Patel Brothers2.22公里 ...
Enjoy the ultimate comfort & convenience at hotel near Santa Clara Convention Center featuring stylish rooms, continental breakfast, & a prime location in Silicon Valley.