The RNs note that O’Connor Hospital and Santa Clara Valley Medical Center are very close to each other and the county may attempt to close one of the two emergency rooms. Nurses from Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, a county facility, went before the county Board of Supervisors at ...
Santa Clara County nurses threaten a second walkout March 30, 2024 East San Jose trauma center closure could break county hospital system May 18, 2020 Officials defend plan to close San Jose hospital’s maternity ward Paul Lorenz, CEO of the county hospit...
The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors voiced its wish to rename a road for Smith during a June 2023 commendation ahead of his retirement. County policy leaves the criteria for renaming a street up to the supervisors. County officials said there were no costs attached to the renaming, but...
Santa Clara Valley Healthcare nurses strike as county shells out more than $20 million on contract nurses Sep 21, 2023 Santa Clara County celebrates construction of inpatient psychiatric hospital for children and teens Sep 1, 2023 San Jose man killed in crash after truck driver runs red light,...
Santa Clara County is the first Bay Area county to record 1,000 COVID-19 deaths. "It’s profoundly sad," said Smith. "We know this is a deadly virus. It started in the Bay Area almost a year ago." It was January 31, 2020, Santa Clara County announced the Bay Area’s first ...
In Santa Clara County, officials say COVID-19 is having a disproportionate impact on the Latinx community and also on the hospitals that serve it. That's apparent in Gilroy, where Saint Louise Regional Hospital is out of ICU beds. The facility is also short on nurses. So Sa...
Nurses in Santa Clara County feel betrayed as they work the frontlines of the pandemic Nurses in Santa Clara County aren’t being adequately protected as they put themselves in harm’s way to treat the public during the novel coronavirus pandemic, according to 11 medical professionals working at...
am proud to be endorsed by Santa Clara County Sheriff Jonsen, the SCC Deputy Sheriff’s Association, Correctional Peace Officers Association, Probation Peace Officers Union, the County Firefighters, and the nurses and doctors who staff our emergency rooms who inform and support the County in our ...
After months of fighting to save Regional Medical Center’s services, Santa Clara County leaders figured out how to stop the owner of the hospital from gutting them: they plan to buy it. County officials today announced their intent to buy the hospital fromHCA Healthcare, the nation’s larges...
Santa Clara County supervisors demand investigation of sheriff’s jail oversight Three years later, the board unanimously passed avote of no confidencein Smith’s jail supervision in part because of her handling of the incident. San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardodemanded her resignation, and earlier this ...